Phantom Forces Script | BUNNY HOP

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") getgenv().bhop = true local game_client = {} do -- Client Collector local garbage = getgc(true) for i = 1, #garbage do local v = garbage[i] if typeof(v) == "table" then if rawget(v, "getCharacterObject") then -- Used for sending LocalPlayer Character Data to Server game_client.character_interface = v elseif rawget(v, "getController") then -- Weapon Detection game_client.weapon_controller_interface = v end end end end RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() if getgenv().bhop and UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.Space) then local character_object = game_client.character_interface.getCharacterObject() local weapon_controller = game_client.weapon_controller_interface.getController() local power = 4 -- This is the hardcoded value for jumping if character_object and weapon_controller then if character_object._floorMaterial == Enum.Material.Air then return end local active_weapon = weapon_controller:getActiveWeapon() if active_weapon:getWeaponType() == "Melee" then power = power * 1.15 end local velocity_y = character_object._rootPart.Velocity.y power = power and (2 * game.Workspace.Gravity * power) ^ 0.5 or 40 local jump_power = power if velocity_y < 0 then jump_power = power --else --jump_power = (velocity_y * velocity_y + power * power) ^ 0.5 end -- Skip the else cause its gay and will stack velocity when you're near walls for some reason if character_object._movementMode == "prone" or character_object._movementMode == "crouch" then character_object:setMovementMode("stand") return end if active_weapon:getWeaponType() == "Firearm" and active_weapon:isAiming() then character_object._humanoid.JumpPower = jump_power character_object._humanoid.Jump = true return true end --if character_object._speed > 5 and character_object._velocity.z < 0 and character_object:parkourDetection() then --character_object:parkour() --else character_object._humanoid.JumpPower = jump_power character_object._humanoid.Jump = true --end -- Skipping parkour detection cause its cringe end end end)

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Phantom Forces Script | ESP WORKING DECEMBER 2022

local players = game:GetService("Players") local run_service = game:GetService("RunService") local local_player = players.LocalPlayer local game_client = {} do for i,v in next, getgc(true) do if typeof(v) == "table" then if rawget(v, "updateReplication") then game_client.replication_object = v elseif rawget(v, 'setHighMs') then game_client.replication_interface = v end end end end local cheat_client = { connections = {}, drawings = {}, } local function create_drawing(class, properties) local drawing = for i,v in next, properties do drawing[i] = v end table.insert(cheat_client.drawings, drawing) return drawing end local function create_conection(signal, callback) local connection = signal:Connect(callback) table.insert(cheat_client.connections, connection) return connection end do -- ESP function cheat_client:calculate_player_bounding_box(character) -- BBOT Bounding Box Function my old one was blurry local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame local torso = character.PrimaryPart.CFrame local head = character.Head.CFrame local top, top_isrendered = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(head.Position + (torso.UpVector * 1) + cam.UpVector) local bottom, bottom_isrendered = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(torso.Position - (torso.UpVector * 2.5) - cam.UpVector) local minY = math.abs(bottom.y - top.y) local sizeX = math.ceil(math.max(math.clamp(math.abs(bottom.x - top.x) * 2.5, 0, minY), minY / 2, 3)) local sizeY = math.ceil(math.max(minY, sizeX * 0.5, 3)) if top_isrendered or bottom_isrendered then local boxtop = * 0.5 + bottom.x * 0.5 - sizeX * 0.5), math.floor(math.min(top.y, bottom.y))) local boxsize =, sizeY) return boxtop, boxsize end end function cheat_client:get_character(player) local entry = game_client.replication_interface.getEntry(player) if entry then local third_person_object = entry._thirdPersonObject if third_person_object then return third_person_object._character end end end function cheat_client:get_health(player) local entry = game_client.replication_interface.getEntry(player) if entry then return entry._healthstate.health0, entry._healthstate.maxhealth end end function cheat_client:get_alive(player) local entry = game_client.replication_interface.getEntry(player) if entry then return entry._alive end end function cheat_client:get_weapon(player) local entry = game_client.replication_interface.getEntry(player) if entry then local third_person_object = entry._thirdPersonObject if third_person_object then return third_person_object._weaponname or "" end end end function cheat_client:add_player_esp(player) local esp = { drawings = {}, low_health = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0), } do -- Create Drawings = create_drawing("Text", { Text = player.Name, Font = 2, Size = 13, Center = true, Outline = true, Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255), ZIndex = -10 }) esp.drawings.weapon = create_drawing("Text", { Text = "", Font = 2, Size = 13, Center = true, Outline = true, Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255), ZIndex = -10 }) = create_drawing("Square", { Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,10,10), Thickness = 1, ZIndex = -9 }) esp.drawings.box_outline = create_drawing("Square", { Thickness = 3, Color = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0), ZIndex = -10, }) = create_drawing("Line", { Thickness = 2, Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0), ZIndex = -9 }) esp.drawings.health_outline = create_drawing("Line", { Thickness = 5, Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), ZIndex = -10 }) esp.drawings.health_text = create_drawing("Text", { Text = "100", Font = 2, Size = 13, Outline = true, Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), ZIndex = -10 }) end function esp:destruct() esp.update_connection:Disconnect() -- Disconnect before deleting drawings so that the drawings don't cause an index error for _,v in next, esp.drawings do v:Remove() end end esp.update_connection = create_conection(run_service.RenderStepped, function() if player.Parent ~= nil then local character = cheat_client:get_character(player) local alive = cheat_client:get_alive(player) local health, max_health = cheat_client:get_health(player) local team = player.Team if character and alive and team ~= local_player.Team then local _, on_screen = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(character.Torso.Position) if on_screen then local screen_position, screen_size = cheat_client:calculate_player_bounding_box(character) if screen_position and screen_size then do -- Box = screen_position = + 2, screen_size.Y + 2) esp.drawings.box_outline.Position = esp.drawings.box_outline.Size = = true esp.drawings.box_outline.Visible = true end do -- Name = player.Name = +, = true end do -- Health = - 5), screen_position.Y + screen_size.Y) =, - (health / max_health) * screen_size.Y) = esp.low_health:Lerp(Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0), health / max_health) esp.drawings.health_outline.From = +, 1) esp.drawings.health_outline.To =, screen_position.Y - 1) esp.drawings.health_text.Text = tostring(math.floor(health)) esp.drawings.health_text.Position = - + 4), 0) = true esp.drawings.health_outline.Visible = true esp.drawings.health_text.Visible = true end do -- Weapon local tool = cheat_client:get_weapon(player) esp.drawings.weapon.Text = tool esp.drawings.weapon.Position = +, +,0) esp.drawings.weapon.Visible = true end else for _,v in next, esp.drawings do v.Visible = false end end else for _,v in next, esp.drawings do v.Visible = false end end else for _,v in next, esp.drawings do v.Visible = false end end else esp:destruct() end end) return esp end end for _,v in next, players:GetPlayers() do if v ~= local_player then cheat_client:add_player_esp(v) end end create_conection(players.PlayerAdded, function(player) cheat_client:add_player_esp(player) end)

Continue ReadingPhantom Forces Script | ESP WORKING DECEMBER 2022


getgenv().Start = true local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local GingerbreadMarkers = ReplicatedStorage.Resources.IceSkating.GingerbreadMarkers for i, v in pairs(debug.getupvalue(require(ReplicatedStorage.Fsys).load("RouterClient").init, 4)) do v.Name = i end spawn(function() while wait() and Start do pcall(function() for i,v in pairs(GingerbreadMarkers:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then ReplicatedStorage.API:FindFirstChild("WinterEventAPI/PickUpGingerbread"):InvokeServer(v.Name) end end ReplicatedStorage.API:FindFirstChild("WinterEventAPI/RedeemPendingGingerbread"):FireServer() ReplicatedStorage.API:FindFirstChild("WinterEventAPI/SubmitIceSkatingTime"):FireServer(0) end) end end)

Continue ReadingAdopt Me Script | GINGERBREAD FARM – DECEMBER 2022

Conter Blox: Reimagined Script | SPAWN EVERY GUN

local events = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local head = player.Character.Head for i, v in next, game.ReplicatedStorage.Weapons:GetChildren() do events.Drop:FireServer(v, head.CFrame*, 0, -5), 12, 24, false, player, false, false) end

Continue ReadingConter Blox: Reimagined Script | SPAWN EVERY GUN