local resetEggs = function() local rootPart = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart firetouchinterest(rootPart,game.Workspace.Stage6.RebirthButton,0) firetouchinterest(rootPart,game.Workspace.Stage6.RebirthButton,1) end for i,v in pairs (game.Workspace.Eggs:GetChildren()) do local s,e = pcall(function() v:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Transparency"):Connect(function() if v.Transparency == 0 then task.wait() fireclickdetector(v.Mouse.ClickDetector) resetEggs() end end) fireclickdetector(v.Mouse.ClickDetector) end) end

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Roblox Script – SUPPORT UKRAINE GUI #Ukraine #SupportUkraine

local resetEggs = function() local rootPart = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart firetouchinterest(rootPart,game.Workspace.Stage6.RebirthButton,0) firetouchinterest(rootPart,game.Workspace.Stage6.RebirthButton,1) end for i,v in pairs (game.Workspace.Eggs:GetChildren()) do local s,e = pcall(function() v:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Transparency"):Connect(function() if v.Transparency == 0 then task.wait() fireclickdetector(v.Mouse.ClickDetector) resetEggs() end end) fireclickdetector(v.Mouse.ClickDetector) end) end

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Epic Egg Hunt 2021 Script | Ruin Easter for little kids!

local resetEggs = function() local rootPart = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart firetouchinterest(rootPart,game.Workspace.Stage6.RebirthButton,0) firetouchinterest(rootPart,game.Workspace.Stage6.RebirthButton,1) end for i,v in pairs (game.Workspace.Eggs:GetChildren()) do local s,e = pcall(function() v:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Transparency"):Connect(function() if v.Transparency == 0 then task.wait() fireclickdetector(v.Mouse.ClickDetector) resetEggs() end end) fireclickdetector(v.Mouse.ClickDetector) end) end

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Streaming Simulator Script | BEST COMPUTER, MONITOR, CAMERA & MORE!

Created by m0thra Features: best computer game.ReplicatedStorage.UpgradeEquip:FireServer("Trigon Computer") best monitor game.ReplicatedStorage.UpgradeEquip:FireServer("Tesla Monitor") best camera game.ReplicatedStorage.UpgradeEquip:FireServer("UFO Camera") best chair game.ReplicatedStorage.UpgradeEquip:FireServer("Super Cozy Cushion") free energy  game.ReplicatedStorage.RewardEnergy:FireServer(1000) free miner refresh game.ReplicatedStorage.RefreshMiner:FireServer() auto give gamepasses…

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local LP = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer local CachedClothing = { 'Jacket-TrenchCoat-White', 'Jacket-Leather-Brown', 'Jacket-Suit-Gray', 'Jacket-Denim-Blue-8516609675', 'Jacket-Hoodie-Orange_6984765766' } local function GetAccessory() local LC = LP and LP.Character.Parent and LP.Character or nil if LC then for _, v in next, LC:GetChildren() do if v:IsA('Accessory') and table.find(CachedClothing, v.Name) then return v end end end end local function ManipulateLayeredAccessories(Instruction) local LC, Instruction = LP and LP.Character.Parent and LP.Character or nil, type(Instruction) == 'number' and Instruction or nil if LC and Instruction then if Instruction == 1 then local Accessory = GetAccessory() if Accessory and Accessory.Name == 'Jacket-TrenchCoat-White' then local SurfaceAppearance = Accessory:FindFirstChild('SurfaceAppearance', true) if SurfaceAppearance then SurfaceAppearance:Destroy() end elseif Accessory and Accessory.Name ~= 'Jacket-TrenchCoat-White' then error('invalid attempt to \'ManipulateLayeredAccessories\' (found layered accessory, but it is not the white trenchcoat)') end elseif Instruction == 2 then local Accessory = GetAccessory() local Handle = Accessory and Accessory:FindFirstChild('Handle') or nil local AccessoryWeld = Handle and Handle:FindFirstChild('AccessoryWeld') or nil if Accessory and AccessoryWeld then AccessoryWeld:Destroy() wait(.5) for i = 1, 50 do if Handle and Handle.Parent then Handle.Velocity =, 1e9, 0); task.wait() else break end end end end end end ManipulateLayeredAccessories(1) -- Makes your trench-coat red if you have one equipped. wait(2) ManipulateLayeredAccessories(2) -- Makes part of your torso and limbs invisible, and works with any layered clothing asset.

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Starving Artists Script | ART CLONER

local function assemblePayload(targetEasel) local cells = {} local name = targetEasel.ArtInfo.Frame.Info.ArtName.Text local frameColor = targetEasel.ArtInfo.Frame.Info.Frame.BackgroundColor3:ToHex() local grid = targetEasel.Canvas.SurfaceGui.Grid for i = 1, 1024 do cells[i] = grid[i].BackgroundColor3:ToHex() end local payload = {} payload["FrameColor"] = frameColor payload["Name"] = name payload["Cells"] = cells return(payload) end local function clonePainting(targetEasel) local payload = assemblePayload(targetEasel) local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.CreateArt remote:InvokeServer(payload) end local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local debounce = false mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function() if (mouse.Target) then if (mouse.Target.Name == "Canvas" and not debounce) then clonePainting(mouse.Target.Parent) debounce = true end end end) mouse.Button1Up:Connect(function() if (debounce) then debounce = false end end)

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Rebirth Champions X Script | AUTO FARM – OPEN SOURCE

getgenv().AutoTap = true getgenv().AutoRebirth1 = true local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local AutoRebirth = {[1] = 1} -- you can change the value. spawn(function() while AutoTap do wait(0.01) ReplicatedStorage.Events.Click3:FireServer() end end) spawn(function() while AutoRebirth1 do wait(0.1) ReplicatedStorage.Events.Rebirth:FireServer(unpack(AutoRebirth)) end end)

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--// Exploit Check \\-- if #{hookmetamethod, getnamecallmethod} ~= 2 then game:Shutdown() return end --// Exploit Fix \\-- if not pcall(function() return syn.protect_gui end) then syn = {} syn.protect_gui = function(A_1) A_1.Parent = CoreGui end end --// Services \\-- local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Players = game:GetService("Players") --// Variables \\-- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local Inventory = Player:WaitForChild("Inventory") local BlockFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Blocks") local Blocks = {} --// Get Blocks \\-- for _, A_1 in next, BlockFolder:GetChildren() do table.insert(Blocks, (function() local Fake ="NumberValue") Fake.Name = A_1.Name Fake.Value = 1 return Fake end)()) end --// UI Library \\-- local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync(''))() local Window = Library:CreateWindow("Creative by Ezpi#0474") Window:AddLabel({ text = "" }) Window:AddToggle({ text = "Inf. Blocks", flag = "Inf" }) Window:AddToggle({ text = "All Blocks", callback = function(A_1) if A_1 == true then table.foreach(Blocks, function(A_1, A_2) A_2.Parent = Inventory end) else table.foreach(Blocks, function(A_1, A_2) A_2.Parent = nil end) end end }) Library:Init() --// Block Spoof \\-- local OldNameCall = nil OldNameCall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(Self, ...) -- Variables local Args = {...} local Info = Args[2] local NamecallMethod = getnamecallmethod() -- Fake if NamecallMethod == "FireServer" and Self.Name == "PlaceBlockE" and typeof(Info) == "table" and (Info[3].ClassName == "NumberValue" or Library.flags.Inf) then Info[3] = {Name=Info[1];Value=1} end return OldNameCall(Self, unpack(Args)) end)

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