The Strongest Battlegrounds Script | AUTO PARRY SCRIPT – OPEN SOURCE

local players = game:GetService("Players") local plr = players.LocalPlayer local cd = false local Settings = { Autoparry = { Toggle = true, Range = 25, Delay = 0,Fov = 180, Facing = false,Dodgerange = 3,Aimhelper = false,},ESP = { Toggle = false, Config = {} }, Tpaura = {Toggle = false,}, } local anims = { --saitama ["rbxassetid://10469493270"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://10469630950"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://10469639222"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://10469643643"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, --hunter ["rbxassetid://13532562418"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13532600125"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13532604085"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13294471966"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, --cyborg ["rbxassetid://13491635433"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13296577783"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13295919399"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13295936866"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, --ninja ["rbxassetid://13370310513"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13390230973"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13378751717"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, ["rbxassetid://13378708199"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.30 }, abilities = { } } local dodges = { ["rbxassetid://10479335397"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.50 }, ["rbxassetid://13380255751"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0.50 } } local barrages = { ["rbxassetid://10466974800"] = { [1] = 0.20, [2] = 1.80 }, ["rbxassetid://12534735382"] = { [1] = 0.20, [2] = 1.80 } } local abilities = { ["rbxassetid://10468665991"] = { [1] = 0.15, [2] = 0.60 }, ["rbxassetid://13376869471"] = { [1] = 0.05, [2] = 1 }, ["rbxassetid://13376962659"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 2 }, ["rbxassetid://12296882427"] = { [1] = 0.05, [2] = 1 },--sonic ["rbxassetid://13309500827"] = { [1] = 0.05, [2] = 1 },--sonic ["rbxassetid://13365849295"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 1 },--sonic ["rbxassetid://13377153603"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 1 },--soni ["rbxassetid://12509505723"] = { [1] = 0.09, [2] = 2 }, -- dash for cyborg lmao } local closestplr, anim, plrDirection, unit, value,dodge function closest() closestplr = {} for i, v in next, players:GetChildren() do -- we want to use GetChildren instead of GetPlayers because we love children (written by mac) if v.Character and plr.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 1) and v ~= plr and v.Character ~= plr.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude < Settings.Autoparry.Range then table.insert(closestplr, v) end end return closestplr end function attackchecker() for i,Anim in next, plr.Character.Humanoid.Animator:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do z = anims[Anim.Animation.AnimationId] q = dodges[Anim.Animation.AnimationId] j = abilities[Anim.Animation.AnimationId] k = barrages[Anim.Animation.AnimationId] if z or q or j or k then return true else return false end end end function isfacing(object) if Settings.Autoparry.Toggle then if Settings.Autoparry.Facing then plrDirection = plr.Character.Head.CFrame.LookVector unit = (object.Head.CFrame.p - plr.Character.Head.CFrame.p).Unit value = math.pow((plrDirection - unit).Magnitude / 2, 2) if value >= Settings.Autoparry.Fov / 360 then return false else return true end else return true end end end function allowed(enemy) if not plr.Character:FindFirstChild("M1ing") and not attackchecker() and isfacing(enemy) then return true end end local durations = { ["anim" ] = 0.3, ["dodge" ] = 0.9, ["barrage" ] = 0.9, ["ability" ] = 0.6, } function def(action) if cd then return end task.wait(Settings.Autoparry.Delay) print("parry attempt".."|"..action) cd = true plr.Character.Communicate:FireServer({["Goal"] = "KeyPress", ["Key"] = Enum.KeyCode.F}) task.wait(durations[action]) plr.Character.Communicate:FireServer({["Goal"] = "KeyRelease",["Key"] = Enum.KeyCode.F}) cd = false end function barragechecker(enemy) if enemy:FindFirstChild("BarrageBind") then return true else return false end end function lookat(enemy) if Settings.Autoparry.Aimhelper then plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position) end end function parry() for i, c in closest() do if c and plr.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 2) and c.Character and c.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and c.Character.Humanoid:FindFirstChild("Animator") then for i, v in next, c.Character.Humanoid.Animator:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do anim = anims[v.Animation.AnimationId] dodge = dodges[v.Animation.AnimationId] ability = abilities[v.Animation.AnimationId] barrage = barrages[v.Animation.AnimationId] if allowed(c.Character) and anim and v.TimePosition >= anim[1] and v.TimePosition <= anim[2] then task.spawn(function() def("anim") lookat(c.Character) end) elseif allowed(c.Character) and dodge and v.TimePosition > dodge[1] and v.TimePosition < dodge[2] then task.spawn(function() def("dodge") lookat(c.Character) end) elseif allowed(c.Character) and barrage and v.TimePosition > barrage[1] and v.TimePosition < barrage[2] then task.spawn(function() def("barrage") lookat(c.Character) end) elseif allowed(c.Character) and ability and v.TimePosition > ability[1] and v.TimePosition < ability[2] then task.spawn(function() def("ability") lookat(c.Character) end) end end end end end task.spawn(function() game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if Settings.Autoparry.Toggle then parry() end end) end) warn("Executed")

Continue ReadingThe Strongest Battlegrounds Script | AUTO PARRY SCRIPT – OPEN SOURCE


local fov = 100 local maxTransparency = 0.1 -- Transparência máxima dentro do círculo (0.1 = 10% de transparência) local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Teams = game:GetService("Teams") -- Adicione esta linha para acessar os times local Cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera local FOVring ="Circle") FOVring.Visible = true FOVring.Thickness = 2 FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(128, 0, 128) -- Cor roxa FOVring.Filled = false FOVring.Radius = fov FOVring.Position = Cam.ViewportSize / 2 FOVring.Transparency = 0.1 -- Transparência inicial igual ao segundo script local function updateDrawings() local camViewportSize = Cam.ViewportSize FOVring.Position = camViewportSize / 2 end local function onKeyDown(input) if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Delete then RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("FOVUpdate") FOVring:Remove() end end UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(onKeyDown) local function lookAt(target) local lookVector = (target - Cam.CFrame.Position).unit local newCFrame =, Cam.CFrame.Position + lookVector) Cam.CFrame = newCFrame end local function calculateTransparency(distance) -- Ajuste a transparência com base na distância do centro do círculo local maxDistance = fov -- A distância máxima do centro do círculo local transparency = (1 - (distance / maxDistance)) * maxTransparency return transparency end local function getClosestPlayerInFOV(trg_part) local nearest = nil local last = math.huge local playerMousePos = Cam.ViewportSize / 2 local localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local localPlayerTeam = localPlayer.Team for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if player ~= localPlayer then local part = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild(trg_part) if part then local ePos, isVisible = Cam:WorldToViewportPoint(part.Position) local distance = (, ePos.y) - playerMousePos).Magnitude -- Adicione uma verificação de equipe aqui if isVisible and distance < fov and player.Team ~= localPlayerTeam then if distance < last then last = distance nearest = player end end end end end return nearest end RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() updateDrawings() local closest = getClosestPlayerInFOV("Head") if closest and closest.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then lookAt(closest.Character.Head.Position) if closest then local ePos, isVisible = Cam:WorldToViewportPoint(closest.Character.Head.Position) local distance = (, ePos.y) - (Cam.ViewportSize / 2)).Magnitude FOVring.Transparency = calculateTransparency(distance) else FOVring.Transparency = 0.1 -- Mantenha completamente visível quando nenhum jogador estiver no FOV end else FOVring.Transparency = 0.1 -- Mantenha completamente visível quando nenhum jogador estiver no FOV end end)

Continue ReadingWeaponry Script | AIMBOT WITH TEAM CHECK – FREE SCRIPT


--//Variables local Settings = { Autogreener = { Method = "Bar based", Toggle = false, Delay = 0, Bar = "MeterUi Overhead", }, Infstamina = false, Walkspeed = { Toggle = false, Speed = 40, }, } local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local methods = { "Classic", "Bar based" } local bars = { "MeterUi Overhead", "MeterUi Vertical Bar" } local vim = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager") local val = 40 - (math.round(player:GetNetworkPing() * 200)) local trigger = player.Character.Head[Settings.Autogreener.Bar].Bar[val] local color = trigger.BackgroundColor3 local ping = player.PlayerGui["ServerInfo.Ui"].TopBarFrame.Holder.ServerInfo.BackgroundBubble.FPS.Ping local plrPing = tonumber(string.sub(ping.Text, string.find(ping.Text, ">") + 1, string.find(ping.Text, ">") + #ping.Text - 42)) -- ping finder -- remotes local function autogreen() if Settings.Autogreener.Toggle == true then if Settings.Autogreener.Method == "Classic" then game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(k, t) if not t and k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then task.wait(Settings.Autogreener.Delay) vim:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game) end end) elseif Settings.Autogreener.Method == "Bar based" then trigger.Changed:Connect(function() if trigger.BackgroundColor3 ~= color then vim:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game) end end) end end end local function infstamina() if not Settings.Infstamina then return end player.Backpack.PlayerEvents.Sprinting:FireServer(false) end --// UI local repo = "" local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. "Library.lua"))() local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. "addons/ThemeManager.lua"))() local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. "addons/SaveManager.lua"))() local Window = Library:CreateWindow({ -- Set Center to true if you want the menu to appear in the center -- Set AutoShow to true if you want the menu to appear when it is created -- Position and Size are also valid options here -- but you do not need to define them unless you are changing them :) Title = "Asteria RH2", Center = true, AutoShow = true, TabPadding = 8, MenuFadeTime = 0.2, }) local Tabs = { -- Creates a new tab titled Main Main = Window:AddTab("Main"), ["UI Settings"] = Window:AddTab("UI Settings"), } local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox("Main") LeftGroupBox:AddToggle("MyToggle", { Text = "Auto green toggle", Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = "", -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autogreener.Toggle = Value autogreen() end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddDropdown("MyDropdown", { Values = methods, Default = 2, -- number index of the value / string Multi = false, -- true / false, allows multiple choices to be selected Text = "Auto time method (bar based recommended)", Tooltip = "", -- Information shown when you hover over the dropdown Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autogreener.Method = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Delay (only use with clasic mode)", Default = Settings.Autogreener.Delay, Min = 0, Max = 5, Rounding = 2, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autogreener.Delay = Value end, }) local Number = Options.MySlider.Value Options.MySlider:OnChanged(function() autogreen() end) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle("MyToggle", { Text = "Inf stamina", Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = "", -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.Infstamina = Value end, }) --//Configs local MenuGroup = Tabs["UI Settings"]:AddLeftGroupbox("Menu") MenuGroup:AddLabel("Menu bind"):AddKeyPicker("MenuKeybind", { Default = "End", NoUI = true, Text = "Menu keybind" }) MenuGroup:AddButton("Unload", function() Library:Unload() end) MenuGroup:AddButton("Copy discord invite", function() setclipboard("") end) Library.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind ThemeManager:SetLibrary(Library) SaveManager:SetLibrary(Library) SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings() SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tabs["UI Settings"]) ThemeManager:SetFolder("Asteria/RH2") SaveManager:SetFolder("Asteria/RH2") ThemeManager:ApplyToTab(Tabs["UI Settings"]) SaveManager:LoadAutoloadConfig() --//Loops game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function() infstamina() end)


Shoot People Off A Map Simulator Script | REDUCED KNOCKBACK

local function anti_kb(char) local humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local rootpart = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local lastsafe = rootpart.Velocity local mainloop mainloop = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() if rootpart.Parent and (rootpart.Velocity *, 0, 1)).Magnitude > (humanoid.WalkSpeed * 2) then warn("Clearing velocity..") for i = 1, 50 do task.wait() rootpart.Velocity =, 0.001, 0.001) end end end) print("anti kb active") end anti_kb(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character) game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(anti_kb)

Continue ReadingShoot People Off A Map Simulator Script | REDUCED KNOCKBACK


--//Variables local Settings = { Farms = { MobFarm = false, Selectedmob = "Frisker", Position = 6, TweenSpeed = 100, Autoequip = false, }, Teleports = { Selectednpc = "", }, Autoquest = { Toggle = false, Questboard = "MissionBoard 12", Position = 6, }, Shikaifight = { Toggle = false, Position = 6, }, Adjfarm = { Toggle = false, Position = -8.7, }, Closest = { Toggle = false, Position = -8, Distance = 150, }, Notifier = false, Minigame = false, Obby = false, } local attackremote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.ServerCombatHandler local mobTable = { "Fishbone", "Frisker", "LostSoul", "Jackal", "Shinigami", "Menos", "Bawabawa", "Jidanbo" } local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local NextFrame = RunService.Heartbeat local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local ForceStop = false local npcTable = {} local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local questTable = { "nothing" } local name = player.Name local modtable = { 15293648, --iqcs 30370774, --Rakutsu 83254134, --s9d 80916772, -- Jaleox 23977275, -- Tsumoe 82280601, -- Lipopss 83254134, -- s9d 1506296146, -- okhwan 606256561, -- Abaddonisu 18577857, -- DripMonger 4061168, -- Castalysts 1159863871, -- enraiton 432360403, -- sinfuldms 10712932, -- Yreol 20660983, -- H3mzz 83338597, -- LeafyRei 54066348, -- PioClean 25329898, -- Joochun 8925483, -- K1LLUAA 1161914, 3427072680, -- haniyura 57431326, -- Khaotxc 77857290, -- 4Data 4192362393, -- mitakamora 300780145, -- invictal 232346707, -- Drakos 59903508, --cartier361 400349, -- streak 194177872, 36989055, -- Minst_r 36710249, -- MassRelays 30370774, } --Settings-- --Declarations-- --// Script Functions local function Tween(Target, angle) ForceStop = false if typeof(Target) == "Instance" and Target:IsA("BasePart") then Target = Target.Position end if typeof(Target) == "CFrame" then Target = Target.p end local HRP = (Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) if not HRP then return end local StartingPosition = HRP.Position local PositionDelta = (Target - StartingPosition) local StartTime = tick() local TotalDuration = (StartingPosition - Target).magnitude / Settings.Farms.TweenSpeed repeat NextFrame:Wait() local Delta = tick() - StartTime local Progress = math.min(Delta / TotalDuration, 1) local MappedPosition = StartingPosition + (PositionDelta * Progress) HRP.Velocity = HRP.CFrame = until (HRP.Position - Target).magnitude <= Settings.Farms.TweenSpeed / 2 or ForceStop if ForceStop then ForceStop = false return end -- HRP.Anchored = false HRP.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(angle), 0, 0) end for i, v in pairs(workspace.NPCs:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Model") and not table.find(npcTable, v.Name) then table.insert(npcTable, v.Name) end end for i, v in pairs(workspace.NPCs.MissionNPC:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Model") and not table.find(questTable, v.Name) then table.insert(questTable, v.Name) end end local function tweentonpc() for i, v in pairs(workspace.NPCs:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Model") and v.Name == Settings.Teleports.Selectednpc then Tween(v:GetPivot().Position, 0) end end end local function stoptween() ForceStop = true end local findmob = function() local MaxDistance = math.huge local find = nil for i, v in pairs(workspace.Entities:GetChildren()) do if string.find(v.Name, Settings.Farms.Selectedmob) and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local magnitude = (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - v:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude if magnitude < MaxDistance then MaxDistance = magnitude find = v end else print("No mob found") end end return find end local function MobFarm() if Settings.Farms.MobFarm then if Settings.Farms.Position >= 0 then local mob = findmob() Tween(mob:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Farms.Position, 0), -90) if (mob:GetPivot().Position - player.Character:GetPivot().Position).magnitude <= 15 then Tween(mob:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Farms.Position, 0), -90) attackremote:FireServer("LightAttack") end else local mob = findmob() Tween(mob:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Farms.Position, 0), 90) if (mob:GetPivot().Position - player.Character:GetPivot().Position).magnitude <= 15 then Tween(mob:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Farms.Position, 0), 90) attackremote:FireServer("LightAttack") end end end end local near = function() if not Settings.Autoquest.Toggle then return end if player.PlayerGui.QueueUI.Enabled == true then local distance = math.huge local z = nil for i, v in pairs(workspace.Entities:GetChildren()) do if string.find(v.Name, "Fishbone") or string.find(v.Name, "Frisker") then if v.Humanoid.Health > 0 and v:FindFirstChild("Highlight") then local magnitude = (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - v:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude if magnitude < distance then distance = magnitude z = v end end end end return z end end local questboard = function() if not Settings.Autoquest.Toggle then return end if player.PlayerGui.MissionsUI.Queueing.Visible == false and player.PlayerGui.QueueUI.Enabled == false then local distance = math.huge local quest for i, v in pairs(workspace.NPCs.MissionNPC:GetChildren()) do if string.find(v.Name, "MissionBoard") then local magnitude = (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - v:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude if magnitude < distance then distance = magnitude quest = v end end end return quest end end --player.PlayerGui.MissionsUI.Queueing.Visible == false local function autoquest() if not Settings.Autoquest.Toggle then return end player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState("FreeFall") if player.PlayerGui.QueueUI.Enabled == true then local dummy = near() if Settings.Autoquest.Position >= 0 then Tween(dummy:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Autoquest.Position, 0), -90) if (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - dummy:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude < 25 then Tween(dummy:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Autoquest.Position, 0), -90) attackremote:FireServer("LightAttack") end else Tween(dummy:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Autoquest.Position, 0), 90) if (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - dummy:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude < 25 then Tween(dummy:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Autoquest.Position, 0), 90) attackremote:FireServer("LightAttack") end end elseif player.PlayerGui.QueueUI.Enabled == false then if player.PlayerGui.MissionsUI.Queueing.Visible == false then local quest = questboard() local magnitude = (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - quest:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude Tween(quest:GetPivot().Position +, -8, 0), 0) if magnitude < 15 then Tween(quest:GetPivot().Position +, -8, 0), 0) task.wait() fireclickdetector(quest.Board.Union.ClickDetector) task.wait() player[quest.Name]:FireServer("Yes") end end end end local function streamermode() -- hides your user on the party list player.PlayerGui.MissionsUI.MainFrame.ScrollingFrame[name].PlayerName.Text = "Asteria on top" end local function destroykillbricks() for i, v in pairs(workspace.DeathBricks:GetChildren()) do v:Destroy() end end local function instantreset() player.Character.Head:Destroy() end local function chatlogger() loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() end local function Teleport() if game.PlaceId == 14071822972 then for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Requests.RequestServerList:InvokeServer("Wandenreich City")) do if v.JobID ~= game.JobId then wait() player.Character.CharacterHandler.Remotes.ServerListTeleport:FireServer("Wandenreich City", v.JobID) break end end elseif game.PlaceId == 14070029709 then for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Requests.RequestServerList:InvokeServer("Soul Society")) do if v.JobID ~= game.JobId then wait() player.Character.CharacterHandler.Remotes.ServerListTeleport:FireServer("Soul Society", v.JobID) break end end elseif game.PlaceId == 14069122388 then for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Requests.RequestServerList:InvokeServer("Hueco Mundo")) do if v.JobID ~= game.JobId then wait() player.Character.CharacterHandler.Remotes.ServerListTeleport:FireServer("Hueco Mundo", v.JobID) break end end elseif game.PlaceId == 14069678431 then for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Requests.RequestServerList:InvokeServer("Karakura Town")) do if v.JobID ~= game.JobId then wait() player.Character.CharacterHandler.Remotes.ServerListTeleport:FireServer("Karakura Town", v.JobID) break end end elseif game.PlaceId == 14069866342 then for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Requests.RequestServerList:InvokeServer("Las Noches")) do if v.JobID ~= game.JobId then wait() player.Character.CharacterHandler.Remotes.ServerListTeleport:FireServer("Las Noches", v.JobID) break end end elseif game.PlaceId == 14069956183 then for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Requests.RequestServerList:InvokeServer("Rukon District")) do if v.JobID ~= game.JobId then wait() player.Character.CharacterHandler.Remotes.ServerListTeleport:FireServer("Rukon District", v.JobID) break end end end end local function autoequip() spawn(function() if not Settings.Farms.Autoequip then return end if player.Character:FindFirstChild("Zanpakuto") then player.Character.CharacterHandler.Remotes.Weapon:FireServer("UnsheatheWeapon") else return end end) end local function farmclosest() if not Settings.Closest.Toggle then return end local distance = Settings.Closest.Distance for i, v in pairs(workspace.Entities:GetChildren()) do if v.Humanoid.Health > 0 and v ~= player.Character then local magnitude = (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - v:GetPivot().Position).magnitude if magnitude <= distance then player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState("FreeFall") if Settings.Closest.Position >= 0 then Tween(v:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Closest.Position, 0), -90) attackremote:FireServer("LightAttack") else Tween(v:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Closest.Position, 0), 90) attackremote:FireServer("LightAttack") end end end end end local adju = function() if not Settings.Adjfarm.Toggle then return end local distance = math.huge local q for i, v in pairs(workspace.Entities:GetChildren()) do if string.find(v.Name, "Jackal") and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local magnitude = (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - v:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude if magnitude < distance then distance = magnitude q = v end end end return q end local function adjufarm() if not Settings.Adjfarm.Toggle then return end local v = adju() if v == nil then Teleport() else player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState("FreeFall") if v.Humanoid.Health > 0 then if Settings.Adjfarm.Position >= 0 then Tween(v:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Adjfarm.Position, 0), -90) if (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - v:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude < 25 then Tween(v:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Adjfarm.Position, 0), -90) attackremote:FireServer("LightAttack") end else Tween(v:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Autoquest.Position, 0), 90) if (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - v:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude < 25 then Tween(v:GetPivot().Position +, Settings.Adjfarm.Position, 0), 90) attackremote:FireServer("LightAttack") end end elseif v.Humanoid.Health == 0 then Teleport() end end end local function shikaichecker() end local function obby() if not Settings.Obby then return end for i, v in pairs(workspace.PartialRes.PartialResObby:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "PartialObject" then local magnitude = (player.Character:GetPivot().Position - v:GetPivot().Position).magnitude Tween(v:GetPivot().Position, 0) if magnitude <= 15 then Tween(v:GetPivot().Position, 0) fireclickdetector(v.ClickDetector) end end end end local function minigame() if not Settings.Minigame then return end if player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Division11Minigame") then for i, v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Division11Minigame.Frame:GetChildren()) do if string.find(v.Name, "HollowImage") and v:FindFirstChild("UISizeConstraint") then v.UISizeConstraint.MaxSize =, 1000) v.UISizeConstraint.MinSize =, 1000) end end else fireclickdetector(workspace.NPCs.DivisionDuties["Division Duties 12"].Board.Click.ClickDetector) player:FindFirstChild("Division Duties 12"):FireServer("Yes") end end --//UI loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local Mercury = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local GUI = Mercury:Create({ Name = "Asteria", Size = UDim2.fromOffset(600, 400), Theme = Mercury.Themes.Dark, Link = "Asteria/TypeSoul", }) local Tab = GUI:Tab({ Name = "Main", Icon = "rbxassetid://8569322835", }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "MobFarm", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) Settings.Farms.MobFarm = state end, }) local MyDropdown = Tab:Dropdown({ Name = "Mob selector", StartingText = "Select...", Description = nil, Items = mobTable, Callback = function(item) Settings.Farms.Selectedmob = item end, }) Tab:Slider({ Name = "Farm position", Default = 6, Min = -25, Max = 25, Callback = function(val) Settings.Farms.Position = val end, }) Tab:Slider({ Name = "TweenSpeed", Default = 80, Min = 0, Max = 250, Callback = function(val) Settings.Farms.TweenSpeed = val end, }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Autoequip", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) Settings.Farms.Autoequip = state end, }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Autoquest", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) Settings.Autoquest.Toggle = state end, }) Tab:Slider({ Name = "Farm position", Default = 6, Min = -25, Max = 25, Callback = function(val) Settings.Autoquest.Position = val end, }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Adju farm", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) Settings.Adjfarm.Toggle = state end, }) Tab:Slider({ Name = "Farm position", Default = 6, Min = -25, Max = 25, Callback = function(val) Settings.Adjfarm.Position = val end, }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Farm closest", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) Settings.Closest.Toggle = state end, }) Tab:Slider({ Name = "Farm position", Default = 6, Min = -25, Max = 25, Callback = function(val) Settings.Closest.Position = val end, }) Tab:Slider({ Name = "Range", Default = 50, Min = 0, Max = 250, Callback = function(val) Settings.Closest.range = val end, }) local Tab = GUI:Tab({ Name = "Misc", Icon = "rbxassetid://8569322835", }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Minigame simplifier", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) Settings.Minigame = state end, }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Complete res obby", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) Settings.Obby = state end, }) Tab:Button({ Name = "Serverhop", Description = nil, Callback = function() Teleport() end, }) Tab:Button({ Name = "Chatlogger", Description = nil, Callback = function() chatlogger() end, }) Tab:Button({ Name = "Streamer mode", Description = nil, Callback = function() streamermode() end, }) Tab:Button({ Name = "Instant reset", Description = nil, Callback = function() instantreset() end, }) Tab:Button({ Name = "Destroy killbricks", Description = nil, Callback = function() destroykillbricks() end, }) local MyDropdown = Tab:Dropdown({ Name = "Tween to npc", StartingText = "Select...", Description = nil, Items = mobTable, Callback = function(item) Settings.Teleports.Selectednpc = item tweentonpc() end, }) Tab:Button({ Name = "Stop tween", Description = nil, Callback = function() stoptween() end, }) local Tab = GUI:Tab({ Name = "Visuals", Icon = "rbxassetid://8569322835", }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Esp toggle", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) ESP.Enabled = state end, }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Teammates", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) ESP.TeamMates = state end, }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Names", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) ESP.Names = state end, }) Tab:Toggle({ Name = "Boxes", StartingState = false, Description = nil, Callback = function(state) ESP.Boxes = state end, }) Tab:ColorPicker({ Style = Mercury.ColorPickerStyles.Legacy, Callback = function(color) ESP.Color = color end, }) --//configs --//Loops local function notifier() if not Settings.Notifier then return end for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if table.find(modtable, v.UserId) then player:Kick("An Admin has joined your server") end end end game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function() autoquest() MobFarm() adjufarm() autoequip() farmclosest() notifier() obby() minigame() end)


ACS Release Countdown Script | COLLECT EVERYTHING

local e=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer getgenv()["xyz#_!"]=not false while getgenv()["xyz#_!"]==not false do for ____,____x in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Worlds:GetDescendants())do if ____x.Name=="ProximityPrompt"then local ____pivot=____x.Parent:GetPivot()e.Character:PivotTo(____pivot)fireproximityprompt(____x,1,not true)local ________=e.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.RaidHUD.SecretsDisplay.SecretsLeft.Text if ________=="0 Left"then getgenv()["xyz#_!"]=not false game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Collected Everything...\n Now if you don't want to get banned stop using cheats")end end end wait()end

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