[QUIRK AWAKENINGS] Heroes Awakening Script | BANK FARM OP

repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() SendWebhook = true Webhook = "" local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local Map = Workspace.Map local AreasOfImportance = Map.AreasOfImportance local Bank = AreasOfImportance.Bank local CashStacks = Bank.CashStacks local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local PlayerData = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("AllPlayerData") local function fireproximityprompt(Obj, Amount, Skip) if Obj.ClassName == "ProximityPrompt" then Amount = Amount or 1 local PromptTime = Obj.HoldDuration if Skip then Obj.HoldDuration = 0 end for i = 1, Amount do Obj:InputHoldBegin() if not Skip then wait(Obj.HoldDuration) end Obj:InputHoldEnd() end Obj.HoldDuration = PromptTime else error("userdata expected") end end local PlaceID = game.PlaceId local AllIDs = {} local foundAnything = "" local actualHour = os.date("!*t").hour local Deleted = false local File = pcall(function() AllIDs = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(readfile("NotSameServers.json")) end) if not File then table.insert(AllIDs, actualHour) writefile("NotSameServers.json", game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode(AllIDs)) end function TPReturner() local Site; if foundAnything == "" then Site = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet('https://games.roblox.com/v1/games/' .. PlaceID .. '/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100')) else Site = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet('https://games.roblox.com/v1/games/' .. PlaceID .. '/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100&cursor=' .. foundAnything)) end local ID = "" if Site.nextPageCursor and Site.nextPageCursor ~= "null" and Site.nextPageCursor ~= nil then foundAnything = Site.nextPageCursor end local num = 0; for i,v in pairs(Site.data) do local Possible = true ID = tostring(v.id) if tonumber(v.maxPlayers) > tonumber(v.playing) then for _,Existing in pairs(AllIDs) do if num ~= 0 then if ID == tostring(Existing) then Possible = false end else if tonumber(actualHour) ~= tonumber(Existing) then local delFile = pcall(function() delfile("NotSameServers.json") AllIDs = {} table.insert(AllIDs, actualHour) end) end end num = num + 1 end if Possible == true then table.insert(AllIDs, ID) wait() pcall(function() writefile("NotSameServers.json", game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode(AllIDs)) wait() game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, ID, game.Players.LocalPlayer) end) wait(4) end end end end function Teleport() while wait() do pcall(function() TPReturner() if foundAnything ~= "" then TPReturner() end end) end end local function SendInfo() local url = Webhook local data = { ["embeds"] = { { ["title"] = "Stat Update", ["description"] = "Username: ||" .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name .. "||", ["type"] = "rich", ["color"] = tonumber(0x7269da), } } } data.embeds[1].description = data.embeds[1].description .. "\nLevel: " .. PlayerData[Player.Name]["Char Data"].ActualLevel.Value data.embeds[1].description = data.embeds[1].description .. "\nCash: " .. PlayerData[Player.Name]["Char Data"].Cash.Value data.embeds[1].description = data.embeds[1].description .. "\nStat Points: " .. PlayerData[Player.Name]["Char Data"].StatPoints.Value local newdata = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(data) local headers = { ["content-type"] = "application/json" } local request = http_request or request or HttpPost or syn.request local abcdef = {Url = url, Body = newdata, Method = "POST", Headers = headers} request(abcdef) end while task.wait() do local function isCashStacksEmpty() local cashStacks = CashStacks:GetChildren() return #cashStacks == 0 end if game:GetService("Workspace").Values.BankRobbed.Value == true then if isCashStacksEmpty() then if SendWebhook == true then SendInfo() else task.wait(0.2) Teleport() task.wait(15) end else for i, v in pairs(CashStacks:GetDescendants()) do if v.ClassName == "ProximityPrompt" then Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(v.Parent.Position)) fireproximityprompt(v, 1, true) end end end elseif game:GetService("Workspace").Values.BankRobbed.Value == false then Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(Bank.BankDoor.Position) * CFrame.new(0, 0, 2)) task.wait(0.1) fireproximityprompt(Bank.BankDoor.ProximityPrompt, 1, true) end end

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