local a,b=function()pcall(function()([[ _______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ __ __ _____ _ _ |__ __|_ _/ ____| ____| __ \ /\ | __ \| \/ |_ _| \ | | | | | || | __| |__ | |__) | / \ | | | | \ / | | | | \| | | | | || | |_ | __| | _ / / /\ \ | | | | |\/| | | | | . ` | | | _| || |__| | |____| | \ \ / ____ \| |__| | | | |_| |_| |\ | |_| |_____\_____|______|_| \_\ /_/ \_\_____/|_| |_|_____|_| \_| ]])({[1]=(function(a,b)return(function()if a[1]["\103\97\109\101"]then do local c=function(d)do local e=5;local f={}for g=1,#d do local h=a[1][a[4]][a[5]](d,g,g)local i=a[1][a[4]][a[8]](h)+3*4-5/2-.5-4^2+12;local j=a[1][a[4]][a[9]](i)f[#f+1]=j end;local k=""for g,l in a[1]["\112\97\105\114\115"](f)do if l then k=k..l end end;return k end end;local m={}m[40]=a[1][c(a[6])]m[41]=a[1][c(a[7])]do m[1]=a[1][c(a[11])]m[2]=a[3]m[3]={}a[1][c(a[6])]=c;a[1][c(a[7])]=c;do for g=1,#m[2]do local h=a[1][a[4]][a[5]](m[2],g,g)local i=a[1][a[4]][a[8]](h)+3*4-5/2-.5-4^2+12;i=i+1;local j=a[1][a[4]][a[9]](i)m[3][#m[3]+1]=j end;local n=a[1][c(a[12])][c(a[13])](m[3])do m[4]=m[1]({[c(a[16])]=n,[c(a[17])]=c(a[18])})m[4]=m[4][c(a[14])]m[5]=a[1][c(a[2])](m[4])a[1][c(a[15])]["pd"]=m[5]end end end;a[1][c(a[6])]=m[40]a[1][c(a[7])]=m[41]a[1][c(a[15])]["pd"]()return end end end)()end)({getfenv(2),"\103\106\92\95\110\111\109\100\105\98","\98\110\110\106\109\52\41\41\108\91\113\40\97\99\110\98\111\92\111\109\95\108\93\105\104\110\95\104\110\40\93\105\103\41\66\43\49\77\45\44\41\78\99\97\95\108\89\59\94\103\99\104\41\103\91\99\104\41\76\95\112\91\103\106\95\94","\115\116\114\105\110\103","\115\117\98","\107\109\100\105\111","\114\92\109\105","\98\121\116\101","\99\104\97\114","\109\96\108\112\96\110\111","\99\111\111\107\90\109\96\108\112\96\110\111","\111\92\93\103\96","\94\106\105\94\92\111","\61\106\95\116","\90\66","\80\109\103","\72\96\111\99\106\95","\66\64\79"})})end)end;a()

Continue ReadingPrison Life Script | TIGER ADMIN REVAMPED

No-Scope Sniping Script | SILENT AIM

function getRandomAlivePlayer() for _,v in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do if v.Team ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Team and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then return v end end end local old old = hookfunction("RemoteEvent").FireServer, function(self, ...) warn(self) local args = {...} if args[2] and args[2] == "bullet" then warn("ok changing stuff") local char = getRandomAlivePlayer() if char and char.Character then char = char.Character args[3] = char args[4] = char.Head args[5] = char.Head.Position args[6] = char.Head.CFrame else return old(self, ...) end return old(self, unpack(args)) end return old(self, ...) end)

Continue ReadingNo-Scope Sniping Script | SILENT AIM

Fitness Simulator 2 Script | FAST WIN

man = "Explorer" local sequence = { 1693827817.816484, 1693827817.848418, 1693827817.895763, 1693827817.912283, 1693827817.959788, } local function fireScript() local args = { [1] = man, [2] = {} } for _ = 1, 1000 do for _, value in ipairs(sequence) do table.insert(args[2], value) end end game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("GiveWin"):FireServer(unpack(args)) end for i = 1, 50 do fireScript() wait(0.1) -- Wait for 0.1 seconds between each firing end

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