getgenv().ScriptConfig = { -- Distance in stud before the automatic triggers, -- you may change even after you have ran the script if you desire! -- Just be sure to REMOVE the loadstring, or else you will face some... issues DistanceBeforeParry = 46, } loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sussy-Tech/Scripts/main/BladeBall.lua"))()

Continue Reading[NEW] Blade Ball Script | AUTOMATIC PARRY CUSTOMISABLE

Shoot Wall Simulator Script | SIMPLE AUTO REBIRTH

-- Function to process the value and perform the comparison local function processValue(value) -- Split the string at "/" local parts = {} for part in string.gmatch(value, "[^/]+") do table.insert(parts, part) end -- Remove " Ammo" from the second variable parts[2] = string.gsub(parts[2], " Ammo", "") -- Extract the number and letter(s) local num1, letter1 = string.match(parts[1], "([%d.]+)([MBT]?)") local num2, letter2 = string.match(parts[2], "([%d.]+)([MBT]?)") -- Function to convert the letter to a multiplier local function getMultiplier(letter) if letter == "M" then return 1000000 elseif letter == "B" then return 1000000000 elseif letter == "T" then return 1000000000000 else return 1 -- Default to 1 if no valid letter is found end end -- Convert the numbers num1 = tonumber(num1) * getMultiplier(letter1) num2 = tonumber(num2) * getMultiplier(letter2) -- Compare the two numbers if num1 >= num2 then print("\nNumber one is equal to or greater than number two") print("num1:"..num1.."| num2:"..num2) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("RebirthSystem"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Rebirth"):FireServer() else print("\n Number one is smaller than number two") print("n1:"..num1.."| n2:"..num2) end end while true do local value = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Frames.Rebirth.RebirthFrame.AmmoProgress.AmmoText.Text processValue(value) wait(5) end

Continue ReadingShoot Wall Simulator Script | SIMPLE AUTO REBIRTH