WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk!
([[This file was protected with MoonSec V3 by federal9999 on discord]]):gsub('.+', (function(a) _RZALlfLvhvtr = a; end)); return(function(r,...)local t;local o;local h;local s;local f;local d;local e=24915;local n=0;local l={};while n<921 do n=n+1;while n<0x27e and e%0x1a36<0xd1b do n=n+1 e=(e+462)%38496 local a=n+e if(e%0x44a4)<=0x2252 then e=(e*0x1bb)%0x7e0b while n<0x3ab and e%0x272a<0x1395 do n=n+1 e=(e*425)%15563 local d=n+e if(e%0xd8e)>=0x6c7 then e=(e-0x32f)%0x2e35 local e=72236 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 s=tonumber;end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e-0x139)%0xbc9 local e=48686 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 f=string;end else e=(e-0x2a6)%0x3fcb n=n+1 local e=75013 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 h={};end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x209)%0x5650 while n<0x206 and e%0x2f7a<0x17bd do n=n+1 e=(e*398)%16391 local t=n+e if(e%0x2666)<0x1333 then e=(e+0x1a0)%0xabfb local e=85836 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 d=getfenv and getfenv();end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x3c5)%0x4083 local e=94975 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 end else e=(e-0x82)%0x2543 n=n+1 local e=75005 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 end end end else e=(e*0x373)%0x6788 n=n+1 while n<0xc9 and e%0x318a<0x18c5 do n=n+1 e=(e-261)%9900 local a=n+e if(e%0x3172)>=0x18b9 then e=(e*0x33c)%0x58db local e=17461 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 d=(not d)and _ENV or d;end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x85)%0xb7f local e=16050 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 o="\4\8\116\111\110\117\109\98\101\114\106\101\72\87\102\99\101\76\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\99\104\97\114\101\87\67\85\67\99\104\114\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\3\115\117\98\69\105\122\68\67\104\98\120\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\98\121\116\101\75\103\87\66\107\115\87\71\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\99\111\110\99\97\116\77\107\116\120\115\70\116\109\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\105\110\115\101\114\116\114\76\77\103\71\77\117\82\5";end else e=(e-0x1d6)%0xa8a0 n=n+1 local e=96758 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 t=function(t)local e=0x01 local function l(n)e=e+n return t:sub(e-n,e-0x01)end while true do local n=l(0x01)if(n=="\5")then break end local e=f.byte(l(0x01))local e=l(e)if n=="\2"then e=h.jeHWfceL(e)elseif n=="\3"then e=e~="\0"elseif n=="\6"then d[e]=function(n,e)return r(8,nil,r,e,n)end elseif n=="\4"then e=d[e]elseif n=="\0"then e=d[e][l(f.byte(l(0x01)))];end local n=l(0x08)h[n]=e end end end end end end end e=(e-1005)%20704 end t(o);local e={};for n=0x0,0xff do local l=h.eWCUCchr(n);e[n]=l;e[l]=n;end local function a(n)return e[n];end local f=(function(r,f)local o,l=0x01,0x10 local n={{},{},{}}local d=-0x01 local e=0x01 local t=r while true do n[0x03][h.EizDChbx(f,e,(function()e=o+e return e-0x01 end)())]=(function()d=d+0x01 return d end)()if d==(0x0f)then d=""l=0x000 break end end local d=#f while e217 then return e end t=t+1 d=(d-962)%47795 if(d%300)>=150 then return n(e(l,n,l),l(e,e,n),n(n and e,l,n))else return e end return e end,function(n,e,l)if t>210 then return l end t=t+1 d=(d+892)%38294 if(d%1772)>=886 then return n else return n(n(e,e,l),n(n,n,e)and e(l,e,l),l(n,e,n))end return e(l(e,n,l)and n(e and e,l,l and e),e(e and n,e,l),l(l,e,n))end,function(l,n,e)if t>337 then return n end t=t+1 d=(d+842)%19001 if(d%414)<=207 then d=(d*459)%28942 return n else return l(l(l,e,e),e(l,l,n),n(e and e,n and e,n)and n(n,l and e,e))end return e(l(l,e,l),l(e,n,n),e(l,n,n))end)return d;end)())local ne=(getfenv)or(function()return _ENV end);local a=h.YYbCJtyg or h.pSdBiUqR;local le=1;local o=4;local d=2;local t=3;local function m(u,...)local c=f(e,"_F6#VSJUYC1,*KyxxC*y,SC*Y#U#SF#YFxVxS,#1K,ySxYKC*S,F6SFJx#K1*FFVxyKU*F,UCxYVJ6Vy6y1yKKU*J#V1CCY*U#SJV>yy*1,FK,,F1yV*J*SSVU66FJy1yV*C16CJJyJFVU#Vp*x*yCY11JCCUy6USU?yF6&Vyx*SUYU,UYUVSVxC+Yy#1y,V,YCYYxJSSKV,yYRKyYKU*#J,CJUCJJV166?,,,yMKl1#6CF1xUKy*Sx1xYxF,V1KC6Y1JJS##C,6K1Y:JUVyYCYVJ*SKxFFytYx6K6UV,6Y#U*FZVU#=FVqRKY,K,SYKU#FJSV6KFxx1CC1K,JCKY#VxVY6KKFyy,6YJ1x1K#,JYVy#VF*F8yJKYY*U#S1VFqxVS6,*VyxK,**1#CJYNSCK*K*11CFUY1*,SC*Y6VyVU6*:xy1x6KU,S1FYFUV#a#YF1BFyCKCC#1KCVUCyyKC,*1#Y1KY,C1*Y,mKxCK,*61CKxK1*#1JC1F#P6yF*Y1xKxy,*1J,YCYYJxV,*y,yC*Y#J1CxCKCJVYJ6VY6xFFxUU+SK#y6Sn*VF#x#Yx*x%KYSKVK6,F6xC6##CF#xJxn*YCJC1U1xxx#*K,VC,yF,,11UYJ1UFS6Fx#AlCxyy#*Y#K6*m,x6KC0CFSxVCS*#1YCUYVxYxK*J1KCV*xKF,6C*U*U6 S6m66FFyJK1JxU1Y6J1S2 then if e>=5 then if 6~=e then l=r(7);else e=-2;end else if e~=0 then repeat if e~=3 then j=h.OJLVmOtx('#',...)-1;m={};break;end;z={};k={...};until true;else z={};k={...};end end else if 0>=e then f=r(6,21,1,81,g);b=r(6,64,2,46,g);else if-1~=e then for l=41,88 do if e~=2 then p=r(6,4,3,49,g);s=ee _=0;break;end;n=-41;y=-1;break;end;else n=-41;y=-1;end end end e=e+1;end;for e=0,j do if(e>=p)then z[e-p]=k[e+1];else l[e]=k[e+1];end;end;local e=j-p+1 local e;local r;local function h(...)while true do end end while true do if n<-40 then n=n+42 end e=f[n];r=e[le];if r<30 then if 15<=r then if 21>=r then if 17=17 then for n=45,79 do if r~=21 then l[e[d]]=l[e[t]];break;end;l[e[d]]=l[e[t]][e[o]];break;end;else l[e[d]]=l[e[t]];end else if r<19 then local n=e[d]l[n](a(l,n+1,e[t]))else local r,b,p,k,u;for h=0,6 do if h<3 then if 0>=h then l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else if-1=2 then if r==2 then l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else if(l[e[d]]==e[o])then n=n+1;else n=e[t];end;end else if 0==r then l[e[d]]=(e[t]~=0);n=n+1;e=f[n];else c[e[t]]=l[e[d]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end else if 15<=r then repeat if 17>r then if(l[e[d]]==e[o])then n=n+1;else n=e[t];end;break;end;local n=e[d]l[n]=l[n](a(l,n+1,e[t]))until true;else local n=e[d]l[n]=l[n](a(l,n+1,e[t]))end end end else if 26<=r then if r>27 then if r>26 then repeat if r<29 then l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];break;end;local n=e[d]local d,e=s(l[n](a(l,n+1,e[t])))y=e+n-1 local e=0;for n=n,y do e=e+1;l[n]=d[e];end;until true;else l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];end else if r>22 then for y=25,57 do if 26h then if h>=-3 then repeat if 04 then if r<6 then l[e[d]][e[t]]=l[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];end else if r~=4 then l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];else l[e[d]][e[t]]=l[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end else if r>0 then if r>1 then l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];else l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end break;end;else for r=0,6 do if 3<=r then if r>4 then if r<6 then l[e[d]][e[t]]=l[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];end else if r~=4 then l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];else l[e[d]][e[t]]=l[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end else if r>0 then if r>1 then l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];else l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end end end else if r>23 then if r>=21 then repeat if 25>r then local e=e[d]l[e](a(l,e+1,y))break;end;l[e[d]]=l[e[t]];until true;else local e=e[d]l[e](a(l,e+1,y))end else if r~=18 then repeat if 23~=r then l[e[d]]=u(b[e[t]],nil,c);break;end;do return end;until true;else l[e[d]]=u(b[e[t]],nil,c);end end end end else if r<=6 then if 3>r then if r<1 then local r,a;for y=0,2 do if y<=0 then r=e[d];a=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=a;l[r]=a[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else if y==1 then l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];else l(e[d],e[t]);end end end else if 0=2 then repeat if r>3 then l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];break;end;local r,y;for h=0,6 do if 2=h then if h~=4 then l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];else r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if h>3 then for a=22,53 do if h~=6 then r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;l(e[d],e[t]);break;end;else r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end else if h>=1 then if h==2 then r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];end else l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end until true;else l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];end else if r==6 then local e=e[d]l[e]=l[e]()else l[e[d]]=l[e[t]][e[o]];end end end else if r<=10 then if 9<=r then if 9==r then local n=e[d]local d,e=s(l[n](a(l,n+1,e[t])))y=e+n-1 local e=0;for n=n,y do e=e+1;l[n]=d[e];end;else l[e[d]]=(e[t]~=0);end else if 3<=r then for n=24,62 do if 8~=r then l[e[d]]={};break;end;l[e[d]][e[t]]=l[e[o]];break;end;else l[e[d]]={};end end else if 12>=r then if r>10 then repeat if r<12 then local n=e[d]l[n](a(l,n+1,e[t]))break;end;local r,y;for h=0,6 do if 3>h then if 01 then l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];until true;else r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if h>=5 then if 5~=h then r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))else l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if 0<=h then repeat if 4>h then r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];until true;else r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end end until true;else local r,y;for h=0,6 do if 3>h then if 01 then l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];until true;else r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if h>=5 then if 5~=h then r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))else l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if 0<=h then repeat if 4>h then r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];until true;else r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end end end else if 12~=r then for a=16,61 do if 14>r then l[e[d]]={};break;end;l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];break;end;else l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];end end end end end else if 44>=r then if r<37 then if 32r then if r>31 then repeat if 33=33 then repeat if r>35 then n=e[t];break;end;local y,a;for r=0,6 do if r>2 then if 5<=r then if 52 then if 5<=r then if 530 then if r<32 then local o;o=e[d]l[o](a(l,o+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];do return end;else local e=e[d]local d,n=s(l[e](l[e+1]))y=n+e-1 local n=0;for e=e,y do n=n+1;l[e]=d[n];end;end else local e=e[d]l[e]=l[e]()end end else if r<=40 then if 38>=r then if 37r then if 4052 then if r<57 then if r<=54 then if r<54 then l[e[d]]=(e[t]~=0);else l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];end else if r>54 then repeat if r>55 then local e=e[d]l[e]=l[e](a(l,e+1,y))break;end;local r,y;for h=0,3 do if 1>=h then if-3h then r=e[d]l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];until true;else r=e[d];y=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=y;l[r]=y[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if h~=-1 then repeat if h<3 then l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;l(e[d],e[t]);until true;else l(e[d],e[t]);end end end until true;else local e=e[d]l[e]=l[e](a(l,e+1,y))end end else if r>=59 then if r==60 then local o,u,h,r;l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]]=l[e[t]];n=n+1;e=f[n];o=e[d]u,h=s(l[o](l[o+1]))y=h+o-1 r=0;for e=o,y do r=r+1;l[e]=u[r];end;n=n+1;e=f[n];o=e[d]l[o](a(l,o+1,y))n=n+1;e=f[n];do return end;else local o,a,f,r,y;local n=0;while n>-1 do if n<=2 then if n<=0 then o=e;else if n>-2 then for e=25,83 do if 2~=n then a=d;break;end;f=t;break;end;else f=t;end end else if n<5 then if 0n then r=o[f];break;end;y=o[a];until true;else r=o[f];end else if 5==n then l(y,r);else n=-2;end end end n=n+1 end end else if r~=58 then l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];else local e=e[d]local d,n=s(l[e](l[e+1]))y=n+e-1 local n=0;for e=e,y do n=n+1;l[e]=d[n];end;end end end else if 48>=r then if 47>r then if 4547 then for r=0,6 do if r>2 then if r>=5 then if 3<=r then repeat if 5~=r then l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];break;end;l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];until true;else l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if 0<=r then for a=49,85 do if r<4 then l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;l[e[d]][e[t]]=e[o];n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;else l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];end end else if 0>=r then l[e[d]]={};n=n+1;e=f[n];else if 050 then if r~=52 then local f,y,a,r,o;local n=0;while n>-1 do if 3<=n then if n<5 then if 4~=n then r=f[a];else o=f[y];end else if n>=1 then for e=44,77 do if n>5 then n=-2;break;end;l(o,r);break;end;else n=-2;end end else if n<1 then f=e;else if n>1 then a=t;else y=d;end end end n=n+1 end else local r,u,k,b,h;r=e[d];u=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=u;l[r]=u[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]]=c[e[t]];n=n+1;e=f[n];l[e[d]]=l[e[t]];n=n+1;e=f[n];r=e[d]k,b=s(l[r](l[r+1]))y=b+r-1 h=0;for e=r,y do h=h+1;l[e]=k[h];end;n=n+1;e=f[n];r=e[d]l[r](a(l,r+1,y))n=n+1;e=f[n];do return end;end else if r>49 then do return end;else local r,h;for y=0,6 do if y>2 then if y<5 then if y~=1 then repeat if 3y then l(e[d],e[t]);n=n+1;e=f[n];else if y>=0 then repeat if 2~=y then r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;r=e[d];h=l[e[t]];l[r+1]=h;l[r]=h[e[o]];n=n+1;e=f[n];until true;else r=e[d]l[r]=l[r](a(l,r+1,e[t]))n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end end end end end end end end n=1+n;end;end;return _ end;local d=0xff;local y={};local o=(1);local t='';(function(n)local l=n local f=0x00 local e=0x00 l={(function(r)if f>0x1f then return r end f=f+1 e=(e+0x129e-r)%0x49 return(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0xd5);t={t..'\58 a',t};y[o]=m();o=o+((not h.KGLeeMQc)and 1 or 0);t[1]='\58'..t[1];d[2]=0xff;end return true end)'PTcsU'and l[0x3](0x130+r))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x5);end return true end)'kpPYK'and l[0x2](r+0x254))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x8a);d[2]=(d[2]*(_(function()y()end,a(t))-_(d[1],a(t))))+1;y[o]={};d=d[2];o=o+d;end return true end)'KqAMr'and l[0x1](r+0x358))or r end),(function(d)if f>0x2c then return d end f=f+1 e=(e+0xa4b-d)%0x4a return(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x1a);end return true end)'whWyb'and l[0x3](0x33f+d))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x96);end return true end)'xlyvV'and l[0x2](d+0xc1))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x5d);end return true end)'Voqck'and l[0x1](d+0x77))or d end),(function(r)if f>0x2c then return r end f=f+1 e=(e+0xaa1-r)%0x35 return(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x50);t='\37';d={function()d()end};t=t..'\100\43';end return true end)'sBYjU'and l[0x1](0x209+r))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x60);y[o]=ne();o=o+d;end return true end)'pZEVT'and l[0x2](r+0x1dc))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x45);end return true end)'VntLE'and l[0x3](r+0x365))or r end)}l[0x3](0x1bb4)end){};local e=u(a(y));return e(...);end return m((function()local n={}local e=0x01;local l;if h.KGLeeMQc then l=h.KGLeeMQc(m)else l=''end if h.VvJzJZWQ(l,h.BbiFYPWH)then e=e+0;else e=e+1;end n[e]=0x02;n[n[e]+0x01]=0x03;return n;end)(),...)end)((function(n,e,l,d,t,f)local f;if n>=4 then if 6>n then if n>=2 then repeat if 5~=n then local n=d;local f,o,r=t(2);do return function()local t,d,l,e=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n)+3);n(4);return(e*f)+(l*o)+(d*r)+t;end;end;break;end;local n=d;do return function()local e=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n));n(1);return e;end;end;until true;else local n=d;do return function()local e=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n));n(1);return e;end;end;end else if n>=7 then if 5<=n then repeat if n~=8 then do return setmetatable({},{['__\99\97\108\108']=function(e,d,t,l,n)if n then return e[n]elseif l then return e else e[d]=t end end})end break;end;do return l(n,nil,l);end until true;else do return l(n,nil,l);end end else do return t[l]end;end end else if n>1 then if 1~=n then repeat if 2~=n then do return e(1),e(4,t,d,l,e),e(5,t,d,l)end;break;end;do return 16777216,65536,256 end;until true;else do return 16777216,65536,256 end;end else if-1=e)and 1 or 0;end;end;end;break;end;do return e(1),e(4,t,d,l,e),e(5,t,d,l)end;break;end;else do return e(1),e(4,t,d,l,e),e(5,t,d,l)end;end end end end),...)