Lifting Legends Simulator Script | AUTO FARM & MORE!
local XLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))() local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage') local UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService') local VirtualUser = game:GetService('VirtualUser') local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Events = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Events') local Functions = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Functions') local Players = game:GetService('Players') local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local PlayerData = Player:WaitForChild('PlayerData') local WeightFolder = PlayerData:WaitForChild('WeightFolder') local Weights = WeightFolder:WaitForChild('Owned') local DNAFolder = PlayerData:WaitForChild('DNAFolder') local DNA = DNAFolder:WaitForChild('Owned') local RankFolder = PlayerData:WaitForChild('RankFolder') local Ranks = RankFolder:WaitForChild('Owned') local InputBegan local ScriptActive local CreateNotification local GetRemote local ExecuteRemote local ExecuteModules local InputBeganConnection local DestroyConnections local CreateConnections local IterateScript local EnableScript local DisableScript local KillScript local ToggleScript local Config local Modules local RemoteEvents local RemoteFunctions Config = { Delay = 1, EnabledModules = { 'Sell', 'Lift', 'BuyWeights', 'BuyDNA', 'BuyRanks' } } Modules = { Lift = function() ExecuteRemote(Functions, RemoteFunctions.Lift) end, Sell = function() ExecuteRemote(Events, RemoteEvents.Sell) end, BuyWeights = function() for _, Weight in pairs(Weights:GetChildren()) do if not Weight.Value then ExecuteRemote(Functions, RemoteFunctions.Shop, { 'Weights', Weight.Name, 'Buy' }) end end end, BuyDNA = function() for _, DNA2 in pairs(DNA:GetChildren()) do if not DNA2.Value then ExecuteRemote(Functions, RemoteFunctions.Shop, { 'DNA', DNA2.Name, 'Buy' }) end end end, BuyRanks = function() for _, Rank in pairs(Ranks:GetChildren()) do if not Rank.Value then ExecuteRemote(Functions, RemoteFunctions.Shop, { 'Ranks', Rank.Name, 'Buy' }) end end end } RemoteEvents = { Sell = 'Sell' } RemoteFunctions = { Lift = 'LiftWeight', Shop = 'ShopFetching' } CreateNotification = function(Title, Description, Duration) XLib.CreateNotification({ Title = Title or '', Description = Description or '', RemoveIn = Duration or 5 }) end GetRemote = function(Type, Remote) return Type:FindFirstChild(Remote) or false end ExecuteRemote = function(Type, Remote, Arguments) local Remote2 = GetRemote(Type, Remote) if Remote2 then if tostring(Type) == 'Events' then Remote2:FireServer(table.unpack(Arguments or {})) else Remote2:InvokeServer(table.unpack(Arguments or {})) end end end ExecuteModules = function() for Name, Module in pairs(Modules) do if table.find(Config.EnabledModules, Name) then coroutine.wrap(Module)() end end end InputBeganConnection = function(Input, OnGui) if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and not OnGui then if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.N then ToggleScript() elseif Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.X then KillScript() end end end DestroyConnections = function() if InputBegan then InputBegan:Disconnect() InputBegan = nil end end CreateConnections = function() if not InputBegan then InputBegan = UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(InputBeganConnection) end end IterateScript = function() while task.wait(Config.Delay) and ScriptActive do pcall(ExecuteModules) end end EnableScript = function() if ScriptActive then ScriptActive = false task.wait(Config.Delay) end CreateNotification('Script Status', 'The script is now enabled.', 1) ScriptActive = true CreateConnections() IterateScript() end DisableScript = function() CreateNotification('Script Status', 'The script is now disabled.', 1) ScriptActive = false end KillScript = function() CreateNotification('Script Status', 'The script has been killed.', 1) ScriptActive = false DestroyConnections() end ToggleScript = function() if ScriptActive then DisableScript() else EnableScript() end end Player.Idled:Connect(function() VirtualUser:Button2Down(, 0), Camera.CFrame) task.wait(1) VirtualUser:Button2Up(, 0), Camera.CFrame) end) EnableScript()