-- Define Globals getgenv().buildingFarm = true; getgenv().bombPickup = true; getgenv().autoGems = true; getgenv().farmNoob = true; -- farms noob for gems getgenv().unRagdoll = true; -- breaks cars lmfao getgenv().meteors = true; -- Services local Players = game:GetService("Players"); local vim = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"); local replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- LocalPlayer local Plr = Players.LocalPlayer; local Char = Plr.Character or Plr.CharacterAdded:Wait(); local Backpack = Plr.Backpack; -- Bomb Table local Bombs = {"GrenadePickup", "Sticky BombPickup", "Stun GrenadePickup", "Black Hole GrenadePickup", "Plasma GrenadePickup", "MeteoritePickup"}; -- Gem Farming task.spawn(function() while task.wait(0.1) do if getgenv().autoGems then for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name == "Gem" then v.CFrame = Char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame end end end end end) -- General Farming task.spawn(function() while task.wait(2) do if getgenv().buildingFarm then if not Backpack:FindFirstChild("Force Blast") and not Char:FindFirstChild("Force Blast") then return -- ends loop if you dont have force blast elseif Backpack:FindFirstChild("Force Blast") then Backpack:FindFirstChild("Force Blast").Parent = Char; else local buildingPart; for i,v in pairs(workspace.Buildings:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then buildingPart = v; Char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = buildingPart.CFrame; end end -- Fire Remotes local Location = Vector3.new(-197.49102783203125, 7.904170513153076, -395.29229736328125); Char:FindFirstChild("Force Blast").LocalActivated:FireServer(Location, buildingPart); Char:FindFirstChild("Force Blast").LocalDeactivated:FireServer(Location, buildingPart) end end end end) -- auto get up task.spawn(function() while task.wait(0.1) do if getgenv().unRagdoll then replicated.Events.unRagdoll:FireServer(Char) end end end) task.spawn(function() while task.wait(0.1) do if getgenv().meteors then local StarterCharacter = workspace:FindFirstChild("StarterCharacter"); local Punch = Backpack:FindFirstChild("Punch"); if Punch then Punch.Parent = Char -- Equip Punch elseif StarterCharacter and Char:FindFirstChild("Punch") then for i,v in pairs(workspace.Meteorites:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name == "RootPart" then Char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame; vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(4, 1, 0, true, game, 1); end end end end end end) task.spawn(function() while task.wait(0.1) do if getgenv().bombPickup then for i,v in pairs(game.workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") and table.find(Bombs, v.Name) then v.CFrame = Char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame; end end end end end) task.spawn(function() while task.wait(0.1) do if getgenv().farmNoob then local StarterCharacter = workspace:FindFirstChild("StarterCharacter"); local Punch = Backpack:FindFirstChild("Punch"); if Punch then Punch.Parent = Char -- Equip Punch elseif StarterCharacter and Char:FindFirstChild("Punch") then for i,v in pairs(StarterCharacter:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then Char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,2); vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(4, 1, 0, true, game, 1); end end end end end end)

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