Climb a Rainbow Pop it Script | AUTOFARM CASH AND STARS

getgenv().collectmoney = true spawn(function() local playerHead = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head while wait(2) do if not getgenv().collectmoney then break end for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Stairs:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == "TouchInterest" and v.Parent then firetouchinterest(playerHead, v.Parent, 0) firetouchinterest(playerHead, v.Parent, 1) end end end end)

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Undertale: Last Reset Script | GODMODE

local gameMetaTable = getrawmetatable(game) setreadonly(gameMetaTable, false) local oldMetaTable = gameMetaTable.__namecall local CallingScript = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Handler game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(item) if item.ClassName == "LocalScript" and item.Name == "Handler" then CallingScript = item end end) gameMetaTable.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self, ...) local method = getnamecallmethod() local script = getcallingscript() local args = {...} if method == "FireServer" and script == CallingScript then return false end return oldMetaTable(self,...) end)

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-- Anti Layered Clothing crash -- Clears appearance whenever a motor is destroyed local Players = game:GetService'Players' function PlayerAdded(Player) if Player == Players.LocalPlayer then return end local Connection, Warned local function CharacterAdded(Character) if Connection then Connection:Disconnect() end Warned = false Connection = Character.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(w) if w:isA'Motor6D' and w.Part0.Parent == Character and w.Part1.Parent == Character and Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer", true) then Player:ClearCharacterAppearance() if not Warned then warn(Player, "tried to crash!") Warned = true end end end) end if Player.Character then task.spawn(CharacterAdded, Player.Character) end Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(CharacterAdded) end for _, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do task.spawn(PlayerAdded, Player) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerAdded)

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