Created by Septex
- + Auto Farm (Swords method needs a sword for those with -69 iq)
- + Auto Quest
- + Full Auto Farm (farms the best quest u can take)
- + Invisible
- + Auto Stats
- + Auto Chests
- + Auto Fruits
- + Inf Stamina
- + Inf Sky Walk
- + No Dash Cooldown
- + Set Spawn Point
- + NPCs Teleport
- + Data Rollback
- + Server Hop
1- Going over 70 tween speed when using auto chests could get u kicked and possibly flagged
2- Use Invisible with Swords method for inf range
3- After using Data Rollback once, kill a mob and rejoin to save then u can use it again, not rejoining could stop it from working
Disclaimer: we collect your ip address for security measures ( it is hashed . )