Created by Suchii
- You need to be in Kira (Planet) for this to work, you can get there by executing the following:
game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”).Requests.Travel:FireServer(“Saro’s Repose”) - DEV NOTES:
- As far as I’m aware this game has no anti-cheat so you likely won’t get banned but let me know if you do.
- Let me know if there’s any issues with the script itself.
- You will have to accept and sell to the commission officer manually.
_G.Autofarm = {
Activated = true; --[ _G.Autofarm.Activated = false ] - to Disable the autofarm
Type = ('All'); -- Lon FLower / All / Carami Flower / Hora Flower (Capitals apply)
Debug = false; -- Was made for myself but enable if you want to look cool I guess
loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))();