


--β­•Red Circle Auto-Block: getgenv().visualizer = true loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1f0yt/community/main/RedCircleBlock"))() -- CLICK 'X' TO ENABLE SPAM MODE -- πŸ”₯Inferno Hub V2: loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://github.com/SadlekAski/Scripts/raw/main/Blade%20Ball/Equip%20any%20ability.lua"))()


[RELEASE] Elemental Dungeons Script | AUTO FARM & MORE!

repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() getgenv().autofarm = true local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Services = ReplicatedStorage.ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Knit.Services local PartyService = Services.PartyService local GetPartyFromPlayer = PartyService.RF.GetPartyFromPlayer local VoteOn = PartyService.RF.VoteOn local StartDungeon = Services.DungeonService.RF.StartDungeon local UseSword = Services.WeaponService.RF.UseSword function createDungeon(name, difficulty, join, hardcore) CreateParty:InvokeServer(name, difficulty, join, not hardcore and "Normal") StartParty:InvokeServer(GetPartyFromPlayer:InvokeServer(LocalPlayer)['Data']['UUID']) end function retry() VoteOn:InvokeServer("Retry") end function goNext() VoteOn:InvokeServer("Next") end if game.PlaceId == 10515146389 then createDungeon("SnowCastle", "Hell", "All", "Normal") end function startDungeon() StartDungeon:InvokeServer() end function getAliveMobs() local mobs = {} for _,v in next, workspace.Mobs:GetChildren() do if v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.PrimaryPart and v.Humanoid.Health > 0 then table.insert(mobs, v) end end return mobs end function swing() UseSword:InvokeServer() end -- THIS IS FOR DODGE ATTACKS, DOESN'T WORK YET. FEEL FREE TO MAKE IT WORK function isPositionClear(position, obstacles) for _, obstacle in pairs(obstacles) do if obstacle.Parent and obstacle.Name == "Warning" and obstacle.Transparency ~= 1 then local distance = (Vector3.new(position.X, 0, position.Z) - Vector3.new(obstacle.Position.X, 0, obstacle.Position.Y)).Magnitude if distance - 1 < (obstacle.Size.Magnitude / 2) then return false end end end return true end function dogeAttacks(targetPosition, obstacles) for pos1 = 1,100 do for neg1 = -1, 1, 2 do for pos2 = 1,100 do for neg2 = -1, 1, 2 do local randomOffset = Vector3.new(pos1 * neg1, 0, pos2 * neg2) local newPosition = targetPosition + randomOffset if isPositionClear(newPosition, obstacles) then return newPosition end end end end end return nil end startDungeon() -- THIS IS FOR DODGE ATTACKS, DOESN'T WORK YET. FEEL FREE TO MAKE IT WORK --[[ local obstacles = {} workspace.Effects.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) wait() if child:IsA("BasePart") then table.insert(obstacles, child) else for _,child in next, child:GetChildren() do if child:IsA("BasePart") then task.spawn(function() table.insert(obstacles, child) end) end end end end) workspace.Effects.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child) if child:IsA("BasePart") then table.remove(obstacles, table.find(obstacles, child)) else for _,child in next, child:GetChildren() do if child:IsA("BasePart") then table.remove(obstacles, table.find(obstacles, child)) end end end end) ]] task.spawn(function() while task.wait() and getgenv().autofarm do if LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart then LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0) end end end) function killMob(mob) task.wait() if LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart and mob.PrimaryPart and mob:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and mob.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local targetPosition = (mob.PrimaryPart.CFrame).p + Vector3.new(0,4,0) if not targetPosition then LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(1000,100,1000) else local oldHealth = mob.Humanoid.Health repeat LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(targetPosition, mob.PrimaryPart.Position) task.wait() swing() until not LocalPlayer.Character or not LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart or mob.Humanoid.Health ~= oldHealth or #mob.Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() > 1 if LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart then LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,50,0) end end end end function pickupShit() for _,v in next, workspace.Camera.Drops:GetChildren() do if v:FindFirstChild("Center") and v.Center:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt") then fireproximityprompt(v.Center.ProximityPrompt) end end end while getgenv().autofarm and task.wait() do for _, mob in next, getAliveMobs() do killMob(mob) pickupShit() end if game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.DungeonComplete.Main.Visible then retry() end end

Continue Reading[RELEASE] Elemental Dungeons Script | AUTO FARM & MORE!

A Universal Time Script | FARMING GUI – OPEN SOURCE

---//Variables local Settings = { MobFarm = { Toggle = false, Selectedmob = "", Position = 0, }, SandDebrisFarm = { Toggle = false, }, Dailyquest = { Toggle = false, Position = 5 }, Chestfarm = false, AstralChestfarm = false, Shardsfarm = false, Autostore = false, AutoFarmstand = { Toggle = false, Stand = "" }, Autoquest = { Toggle = false, Position = 6, }, Selectednpc = "", BossFarm = { Toggle = false, Boss = "", Position = 6 }, } local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local attackremote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ReplicatedModules.KnitPackage.Knit.Services.MoveInputService.RF.FireInput local mobTable = {0,10 ,20, 30, 40,50,60,70,80,90,100} local npctable = {} local dialogueremote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ReplicatedModules.KnitPackage.Knit.Services.DialogueService.RF.CheckDialogue local spawnbossremote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ReplicatedModules.KnitPackage.Knit.Services.NPCService.RF.SpawnBoss local bossTable = {"Professor Diavolo","Hold up, aint you Dio?","Boa H","Umbra","Puddest","Minos Prime"} --//ESP Settings-- --Settings-- local ESP = { Enabled = false, Boxes = false, BoxShift = CFrame.new(0,-1.5,0), BoxSize = Vector3.new(4,6,0), Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), FaceCamera = false, Names = false, TeamColor = false, Thickness = 2, AttachShift = 1, TeamMates = false, Players = true, Objects = setmetatable({}, {__mode="kv"}), Overrides = {} } --ESP Declarations-- local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera local plrs = game:GetService("Players") local plr = plrs.LocalPlayer local mouse = plr:GetMouse() local V3new = Vector3.new local WorldToViewportPoint = cam.WorldToViewportPoint --ESP Functions-- local function Draw(obj, props) local new = Drawing.new(obj) props = props or {} for i,v in pairs(props) do new[i] = v end return new end function ESP:GetTeam(p) local ov = self.Overrides.GetTeam if ov then return ov(p) end return p and p.Team end function ESP:IsTeamMate(p) local ov = self.Overrides.IsTeamMate if ov then return ov(p) end return self:GetTeam(p) == self:GetTeam(plr) end function ESP:GetColor(obj) local ov = self.Overrides.GetColor if ov then return ov(obj) end local p = self:GetPlrFromChar(obj) return p and self.TeamColor and p.Team and p.Team.TeamColor.Color or self.Color end function ESP:GetPlrFromChar(char) local ov = self.Overrides.GetPlrFromChar if ov then return ov(char) end return plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) end function ESP:Toggle(bool) self.Enabled = bool if not bool then for i,v in pairs(self.Objects) do if v.Type == "Box" then --fov circle etc if v.Temporary then v:Remove() else for i,v in pairs(v.Components) do v.Visible = false end end end end end end function ESP:GetBox(obj) return self.Objects[obj] end function ESP:AddObjectListener(parent, options) local function NewListener(c) if type(options.Type) == "string" and c:IsA(options.Type) or options.Type == nil then if type(options.Name) == "string" and c.Name == options.Name or options.Name == nil then if not options.Validator or options.Validator(c) then local box = ESP:Add(c, { PrimaryPart = type(options.PrimaryPart) == "string" and c:WaitForChild(options.PrimaryPart) or type(options.PrimaryPart) == "function" and options.PrimaryPart(c), Color = type(options.Color) == "function" and options.Color(c) or options.Color, ColorDynamic = options.ColorDynamic, Name = type(options.CustomName) == "function" and options.CustomName(c) or options.CustomName, IsEnabled = options.IsEnabled, RenderInNil = options.RenderInNil }) --TODO: add a better way of passing options if options.OnAdded then coroutine.wrap(options.OnAdded)(box) end end end end end if options.Recursive then parent.DescendantAdded:Connect(NewListener) for i,v in pairs(parent:GetDescendants()) do coroutine.wrap(NewListener)(v) end else parent.ChildAdded:Connect(NewListener) for i,v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do coroutine.wrap(NewListener)(v) end end end local boxBase = {} boxBase.__index = boxBase function boxBase:Remove() ESP.Objects[self.Object] = nil for i,v in pairs(self.Components) do v.Visible = false v:Remove() self.Components[i] = nil end end function boxBase:Update() if not self.PrimaryPart then --warn("not supposed to print", self.Object) return self:Remove() end local color if ESP.Highlighted == self.Object then color = ESP.HighlightColor else color = self.Color or self.ColorDynamic and self:ColorDynamic() or ESP:GetColor(self.Object) or ESP.Color end local allow = true if ESP.Overrides.UpdateAllow and not ESP.Overrides.UpdateAllow(self) then allow = false end if self.Player and not ESP.TeamMates and ESP:IsTeamMate(self.Player) then allow = false end if self.Player and not ESP.Players then allow = false end if self.IsEnabled and (type(self.IsEnabled) == "string" and not ESP[self.IsEnabled] or type(self.IsEnabled) == "function" and not self:IsEnabled()) then allow = false end if not workspace:IsAncestorOf(self.PrimaryPart) and not self.RenderInNil then allow = false end if not allow then for i,v in pairs(self.Components) do v.Visible = false end return end if ESP.Highlighted == self.Object then color = ESP.HighlightColor end --calculations-- local cf = self.PrimaryPart.CFrame if ESP.FaceCamera then cf = CFrame.new(cf.p, cam.CFrame.p) end local size = self.Size local locs = { TopLeft = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(size.X/2,size.Y/2,0), TopRight = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(-size.X/2,size.Y/2,0), BottomLeft = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(size.X/2,-size.Y/2,0), BottomRight = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(-size.X/2,-size.Y/2,0), TagPos = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(0,size.Y/2,0), Torso = cf * ESP.BoxShift } if ESP.Boxes then local TopLeft, Vis1 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TopLeft.p) local TopRight, Vis2 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TopRight.p) local BottomLeft, Vis3 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.BottomLeft.p) local BottomRight, Vis4 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.BottomRight.p) if self.Components.Quad then if Vis1 or Vis2 or Vis3 or Vis4 then self.Components.Quad.Visible = true self.Components.Quad.PointA = Vector2.new(TopRight.X, TopRight.Y) self.Components.Quad.PointB = Vector2.new(TopLeft.X, TopLeft.Y) self.Components.Quad.PointC = Vector2.new(BottomLeft.X, BottomLeft.Y) self.Components.Quad.PointD = Vector2.new(BottomRight.X, BottomRight.Y) self.Components.Quad.Color = color else self.Components.Quad.Visible = false end end else self.Components.Quad.Visible = false end if ESP.Names then local TagPos, Vis5 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TagPos.p) if Vis5 then self.Components.Name.Visible = true self.Components.Name.Position = Vector2.new(TagPos.X, TagPos.Y) self.Components.Name.Text = self.Name self.Components.Name.Color = color self.Components.Distance.Visible = true self.Components.Distance.Position = Vector2.new(TagPos.X, TagPos.Y + 14) self.Components.Distance.Text = math.floor((cam.CFrame.p - cf.p).magnitude) .."m away" self.Components.Distance.Color = color else self.Components.Name.Visible = false self.Components.Distance.Visible = false end else self.Components.Name.Visible = false self.Components.Distance.Visible = false end if ESP.Tracers then local TorsoPos, Vis6 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.Torso.p) if Vis6 then self.Components.Tracer.Visible = true self.Components.Tracer.From = Vector2.new(TorsoPos.X, TorsoPos.Y) self.Components.Tracer.To = Vector2.new(cam.ViewportSize.X/2,cam.ViewportSize.Y/ESP.AttachShift) self.Components.Tracer.Color = color else self.Components.Tracer.Visible = false end else self.Components.Tracer.Visible = false end end function ESP:Add(obj, options) if not obj.Parent and not options.RenderInNil then return warn(obj, "has no parent") end local box = setmetatable({ Name = options.Name or obj.Name, Type = "Box", Color = options.Color --[[or self:GetColor(obj)]], Size = options.Size or self.BoxSize, Object = obj, Player = options.Player or plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj), PrimaryPart = options.PrimaryPart or obj.ClassName == "Model" and (obj.PrimaryPart or obj:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or obj:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart")) or obj:IsA("BasePart") and obj, Components = {}, IsEnabled = options.IsEnabled, Temporary = options.Temporary, ColorDynamic = options.ColorDynamic, RenderInNil = options.RenderInNil }, boxBase) if self:GetBox(obj) then self:GetBox(obj):Remove() end box.Components["Quad"] = Draw("Quad", { Thickness = self.Thickness, Color = color, Transparency = 1, Filled = false, Visible = self.Enabled and self.Boxes }) box.Components["Name"] = Draw("Text", { Text = box.Name, Color = box.Color, Center = true, Outline = true, Size = 19, Visible = self.Enabled and self.Names }) box.Components["Distance"] = Draw("Text", { Color = box.Color, Center = true, Outline = true, Size = 19, Visible = self.Enabled and self.Names }) box.Components["Tracer"] = Draw("Line", { Thickness = ESP.Thickness, Color = box.Color, Transparency = 1, Visible = self.Enabled and self.Tracers }) self.Objects[obj] = box obj.AncestryChanged:Connect(function(_, parent) if parent == nil and ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then box:Remove() end end) obj:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function() if obj.Parent == nil and ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then box:Remove() end end) local hum = obj:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if hum then hum.Died:Connect(function() if ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then box:Remove() end end) end return box end local function CharAdded(char) local p = plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) if not char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local ev ev = char.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c) if c.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then ev:Disconnect() ESP:Add(char, { Name = p.Name, Player = p, PrimaryPart = c }) end end) else ESP:Add(char, { Name = p.Name, Player = p, PrimaryPart = char.HumanoidRootPart }) end end local function PlayerAdded(p) p.CharacterAdded:Connect(CharAdded) if p.Character then coroutine.wrap(CharAdded)(p.Character) end end plrs.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerAdded) for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers()) do if v ~= plr then PlayerAdded(v) end end ---//---- ---//Functions for i,v in pairs(workspace.NPCS:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Model") then table.insert(npctable,v.Name) end end local function npctp() for i,v in pairs(workspace.NPCS:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Settings.Selectednpc then player.Character:PivotTo(v:GetPivot()) end end end local function bossfarm() if not Settings.BossFarm.Toggle then return end for i,v in pairs(workspace.Living:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Settings.BossFarm.Boss and v:IsA("Model") then if Settings.BossFarm.Position >= 0 then player.Character:PivotTo(v:GetPivot()* CFrame.new(0,Settings.BossFarm.Position ,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0)) attackremote:InvokeServer("MouseButton1") attackremote:InvokeServer("R") else player.Character:PivotTo(v:GetPivot()* CFrame.new(0,Settings.BossFarm.Position ,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0)) attackremote:InvokeServer("MouseButton1") attackremote:InvokeServer("R") end else print("No mob?") end end end local function MobCheck(mob, toggle) if mob == nil or mob:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") == nil or toggle ~= true or mob.Humanoid.Health <= 0 or mob.Name ~= "Star Platinum!?!?" or mob:GetAttribute("Level") < Settings.MobFarm.Selectedmob then return nil end return true end local function mobfarm() if not Settings.MobFarm.Toggle then return end for i,v in pairs(workspace.Living:GetChildren()) do if MobCheck(v, Settings.MobFarm.Toggle) then if Settings.MobFarm.Position >= 0 then player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,Settings.MobFarm.Position ,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0) attackremote:InvokeServer("MouseButton1") attackremote:InvokeServer("R") else player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,Settings.MobFarmPosition ,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0) attackremote:InvokeServer("MouseButton1") attackremote:InvokeServer("R") end end end end local function debrisfarm() if not Settings.SandDebrisFarm.Toggle then return end for i,v in pairs(workspace.ItemSpawns["Sand Debris"]:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == "SandDebris" and v:FindFirstChild("ProximityAttachment") then player.Character:PivotTo(v:GetPivot()) task.wait() local Magnitude = (player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position - v.Position).Magnitude if Magnitude <= 15 then fireproximityprompt(v.ProximityAttachment.Interaction) end else print('No debris found') end end end local function chestfarm() if not Settings.Chestfarm then return end for i,v in pairs(workspace.ItemSpawns.Chests:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Model") and v.Name == "Chest" and v.RootPart:FindFirstChild("ProximityAttachment") then player.Character:PivotTo(v:GetPivot()) local Magnitude = (player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position - v.RootPart.Position).Magnitude if Magnitude <= 15 then fireproximityprompt(v.RootPart.ProximityAttachment.Interaction) end else print("No chest found") end end end local function astralchest() if not Settings.AstralChestfarm then return end end local function shardsfarm() if not Settings.Shardsfarm then return end end local function autodaily() if not Settings.Dailyquest.Toggle then return end if player.QuestLines:FindFirstChild("DailyQuest") then else dialogueremote:InvokeServer("Daily Quest") end end local function autostore() if not Settings.Autostore then return end for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Tool") and v.Parent ~= player.Character then v.Parent = player.Character task.wait(0.2) if v.Parent == player.Character then local args = { [1] = { ["AddItems"] = true } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ReplicatedModules.KnitPackage.Knit.Services.InventoryService.RE.ItemInventory:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end end end local function autostand() if not Settings.AutoFarmstand.Toggle then return end --game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ReplicatedModules.KnitPackage.Knit.Services.DialogueService.RF.CheckDialogue:InvokeServer("Reset Stand") -- to reset stand end local function autoquest() if not Settings.Autoquest.Toggle then return end for i,v in pairs(workspace.Living:GetChildren()) do if player.QuestLines:FindFirstChild("Sakuya") then if v.Name == "Star Platinum!?!?" and v.Humanoid.Health > 0 then if Settings.MobFarm.Position >= 0 then player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,Settings.Autoquest.Position,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0) attackremote:InvokeServer("MouseButton1") attackremote:InvokeServer("R") else player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,Settings.Autoquest.Position,0)* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0) attackremote:InvokeServer("MouseButton1") attackremote:InvokeServer("R") end end else dialogueremote:InvokeServer("Sakuya") end end end local function chatlogger() loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mac2115/Cool-private/main/ESP'),true))() end -- dialogueremote:InvokeServer("Sakuya") -- to get quest ofc ---//Ui local repo = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/violin-suzutsuki/LinoriaLib/main/' local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'Library.lua'))() local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/ThemeManager.lua'))() local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/SaveManager.lua'))() local Window = Library:CreateWindow({ -- Set Center to true if you want the menu to appear in the center -- Set AutoShow to true if you want the menu to appear when it is created -- Position and Size are also valid options here -- but you do not need to define them unless you are changing them :) Title = 'Asteria AUT', Center = true, AutoShow = true, TabPadding = 8, MenuFadeTime = 0.2 }) local Tabs = { -- Creates a new tab titled Main Main = Window:AddTab('Main'), ['UI Settings'] = Window:AddTab('UI Settings'), } local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('MobFarm') LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Mob farm toggle', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Mobfarm', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.MobFarm.Toggle = Value mobfarm() end }) LeftGroupBox:AddDropdown('MyMultiDropdown', { Values = mobTable, Default = 1, Multi = false, -- true / false, allows multiple choices to be selected Text = 'Choose a mob (indicates lvl+)', Tooltip = 'Mob selector', -- Information shown when you hover over the dropdown Callback = function(Value) Settings.MobFarm.Selectedmob = Value end }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider('MySlider', { Text = 'Farm position', Default = 6, Min = -15, Max = 15, Rounding = 1, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.MobFarm.Position = Value end }) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Bossfarm toggle', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Bossfarm', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.BossFarm.Toggle = Value bossfarm() end }) LeftGroupBox:AddDropdown('MyMultiDropdown', { Values = bossTable, Default = 1, Multi = false, -- true / false, allows multiple choices to be selected Text = 'Choose a boss', Tooltip = 'Boss selector', -- Information shown when you hover over the dropdown Callback = function(Value) Settings.BossFarm.Boss = Value end }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider('MySlider', { Text = 'Farm position', Default = 6, Min = -15, Max = 15, Rounding = 1, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.BossFarm.Position = Value end }) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Autoquests') LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Sakuya autoquest toggle', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Autoquest', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoquest.Toggle= Value autoquest() end }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider('MySlider', { Text = 'Farm position', Default = 6, Min = -15, Max = 15, Rounding = 1, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoquest.Position = Value end }) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('ItemFarms') LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Sand Debris farm', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Debris farm', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.SandDebrisFarm.Toggle = Value debrisfarm() end }) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Chest farm', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Chest farm', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.Chestfarm = Value chestfarm() end }) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Autostore items', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Stores items for u', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autostore = Value autostore() end }) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddRightGroupbox('Teleports') LeftGroupBox:AddDropdown('MyMultiDropdown', { Values = npctable, Default = 1, Multi = false, -- true / false, allows multiple choices to be selected Text = 'Npc Teleports', Tooltip = 'Npc teleporter', -- Information shown when you hover over the dropdown Callback = function(Value) Settings.Selectednpc = Value npctp() end }) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddRightGroupbox('Misc') local MyButton = LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = 'Chatlogger', Func = function() chatlogger() end, DoubleClick = false, Tooltip = 'Chatlogger' }) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddRightGroupbox('Visuals') LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'ESP toggle', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Esp', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) ESP.Enabled = Value end }) LeftGroupBox:AddLabel('Color'):AddColorPicker('ColorPicker', { Default = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), -- Bright green Title = 'ESP color', -- Optional. Allows you to have a custom color picker title (when you open it) Transparency = 0, -- Optional. Enables transparency changing for this color picker (leave as nil to disable) Callback = function(Value) ESP.Color = Value end }) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Teammates ', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Teammates', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) ESP.TeamMates = Value end }) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Nametags toggle', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Nametags', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) ESP.Names = Value end }) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', { Text = 'Boxes toggle', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Boxes', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) ESP.Boxes = Value end }) --//Configs local MenuGroup = Tabs['UI Settings']:AddLeftGroupbox('Menu') MenuGroup:AddLabel('Menu bind'):AddKeyPicker('MenuKeybind', { Default = 'End', NoUI = true, Text = 'Menu keybind' }) MenuGroup:AddButton('Unload', function() Library:Unload() end) MenuGroup:AddButton('Copy discord invite', function() setclipboard("https://discord.gg/t2cXFpkGBh") end) Library.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind ThemeManager:SetLibrary(Library) SaveManager:SetLibrary(Library) SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings() SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tabs['UI Settings']) ThemeManager:SetFolder('Asteria/AUT') SaveManager:SetFolder('Asteria/AUT') ThemeManager:ApplyToTab(Tabs['UI Settings']) SaveManager:LoadAutoloadConfig() --//Loops game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function() bossfarm() mobfarm() chestfarm() debrisfarm() autostore() autoquest() astralchest() shardsfarm() end) game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() cam = workspace.CurrentCamera for i,v in (ESP.Enabled and pairs or ipairs)(ESP.Objects) do if v.Update then local s,e = pcall(v.Update, v) if not s then warn("[EU]", e, v.Object:GetFullName()) end end end end) return ESP

Continue ReadingA Universal Time Script | FARMING GUI – OPEN SOURCE


local players = game:GetService("Players") local vim = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager") local plr = players.LocalPlayer local cd = false local Settings = { Autoparry = { Toggle = false, Range = 20, Delay = 0, IgnoreKicks = false, Autocounter = false, Fov = 180, Katana = 0.01, Fist =0.095, Kick = 0, Scythe = 0.27, Nagi = 0.22, kanaboo = 0.29, Kusa = 0.06, Tanto = 0.05, Odachi = 0.22 }, ESP = { Toggle = false, Config = {} }, Tpaura = { Toggle = false, }, } local anims = { ["rbxassetid://6678908798"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Katana, [2] = 0.48 }, ["rbxassetid://6678909967"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Katana, [2] = 0.48 }, ["rbxassetid://6678913068"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Katana, [2] = 0.48 }, ["rbxassetid://11753430563"] = { [1] = 0.17, [2] = 0.48 }, -- slower needs seperate ap method ig lol wap ["rbxassetid://6678914641"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Katana, [2] = 0.50 }, --thats swing kick ["rbxassetid://6907975812"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Kick, [2] = 0.35 }, -- kick ["rbxassetid://11752087150"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Fist, [2] = 0.45 }, ["rbxassetid://11752098805"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Fist, [2] = 0.45 }, ["rbxassetid://11752104735"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Fist, [2] = 0.45 }, ["rbxassetid://11752111783"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Fist, [2] = 0.45 }, -- ["rbxassetid://6708118912"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Scythe, [2] = 0.60 }, -- scythe default was 0.29 before btw ["rbxassetid://6835409260"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Scythe, [2] = 0.60 }, ["rbxassetid://6708121991"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Scythe, [2] = 0.60 }, ["rbxassetid://6708121121"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Scythe, [2] = 0.60 }, -- ["rbxassetid://14349499924"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Nagi, [2] = 0.60 }, -- nagi ["rbxassetid://14349501923"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Nagi, [2] = 0.60 }, ["rbxassetid://14349504049"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Nagi, [2] = 0.60 }, ["rbxassetid://14349506078"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Nagi, [2] = 0.60 }, -- ["rbxassetid://14483365680"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.kanaboo, [2] = 0.60 }, -- kanaboo ["rbxassetid://6995853850"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.kanaboo, [2] = 0.60 }, ["rbxassetid://6996771877"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.kanaboo, [2] = 0.60 }, ["rbxassetid://7011157033"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.kanaboo, [2] = 0.60 }, -- ["rbxassetid://11941288362"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Kusa, [2] = 0.50 }, -- kusarigima ["rbxassetid://11941292174"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Kusa, [2] = 0.50 }, ["rbxassetid://11941309395"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Kusa, [2] = 0.50 }, ["rbxassetid://11941314458"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Kusa, [2] = 0.50 }, -- ["rbxassetid://7845695759"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Tanto, [2] = 0.4 }, -- tanto ["rbxassetid://7845695236"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Tanto, [2] = 0.4 }, ["rbxassetid://7845696985"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Tanto, [2] = 0.4 }, ["rbxassetid://7845696360"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Tanto, [2] = 0.4 }, -- ["rbxassetid://13537213350"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Odachi, [2] = 0.60 }, -- odachi last weapon ["rbxassetid://13537219514"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Odachi, [2] = 0.70 }, ["rbxassetid://13537224645"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Odachi, [2] = 0.60 }, ["rbxassetid://13537230809"] = { [1] = Settings.Autoparry.Odachi, [2] = 0.80 }, } local closestplr, c, anim, coef, plrDirection, objectDirection, unit, value function closest() closestplr = {} for i, v in next, players:GetChildren() do -- we want to use GetChildren instead of GetPlayers because we love children (written by mac) if v.Character and plr.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 1) and v ~= plr and v.Character ~= plr.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude < Settings.Autoparry.Range then table.insert(closestplr, v) end end return closestplr end function def(enemy,distance) if not Settings.Autoparry.Autocounter then if cd then return end task.wait(Settings.Autoparry.Delay) print("parry attempt") cd = true vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(0, 0, 1, true, game, 0) task.wait(0.28) vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(0, 0, 1, false, game, 0) cd = false elseif Settings.Autoparry.Autocounter then if cd then return end task.wait(Settings.Autoparry.Delay) cd = true vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(0, 0, 1, true, game, 0) task.wait(0.28) vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(0, 0, 1, false, game, 0) cd = false print("parry attempt(counter version)") if enemy:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").Stunned.Value == true and enemy:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").Blocking.Value == false and distance > 15 then vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(0, 0, 0, true, game, 0) task.wait(0.10) vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(0, 0, 0, false, game, 0) print("counter attempt") end end end function isfacing(object) if Settings.Autoparry.Toggle then plrDirection = plr.Character.Head.CFrame.LookVector unit = (object.Head.CFrame.p - plr.Character.Head.CFrame.p).Unit value = math.pow((plrDirection - unit).Magnitude / 2, 2) if value >= Settings.Autoparry.Fov / 360 then return false else return true end end end function adjuster(distance) -- to be continued end function parry() for i, c in closest() do if c and plr.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 2) and c.Character and c.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and c.Character.Humanoid:FindFirstChild("Animator") then for i, v in next, c.Character.Humanoid.Animator:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do anim = anims[v.Animation.AnimationId] if anim and isfacing(c.Character) and v.TimePosition >= anim[1] and v.TimePosition <= anim[2] then task.spawn(function() def(c.Character,(c.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude) end) end end end end end function ESP() for i, v in next, players:GetChildren() do if v ~= plr and v.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid", 1) then local h = Instance.new("Highlight", v.Character) h.FillColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Character.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) h.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Character.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) v.Character.Humanoid.Changed:Connect(function(prop) if prop == "Health" and h then h.FillColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Character.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) h.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Character.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) end end) end end end local repo = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HTDBarsi/LinoriaLib/main/' local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'Library.lua'))() local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/ThemeManager.lua'))() local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/SaveManager.lua'))() local Window = Library:CreateWindow({ Title = "Asteria Zo", Center = true, AutoShow = true, TabPadding = 8, MenuFadeTime = 0.2, }) local Tabs = { Main = Window:AddTab("Closet features"), Rage = Window:AddTab("Rage"), Visuals = Window:AddTab("Visuals"), ["UI Settings"] = Window:AddTab("UI Settings"), } local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox("Main") LeftGroupBox:AddToggle("Autoparry Toggle", { Text = "Autoparry", Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = "", -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Toggle = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Autoparry FOV", Default = 180, Min = 0, Max = 360, Rounding = 1, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Fov = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Delay", Default = 0, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 2, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Delay = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Range", Default = 25, Min = 0, Max = 25, Rounding = 1, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Range = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle("Autoparry Toggle", { Text = "Auto counter[BETA]", Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = "Instantly Attacks after parrying", -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Autocounter = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddToggle("Ignore kicks Toggle", { Text = "Ignore kicks", Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = "Ignores kick inside of the autoparry", -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.IgnoreKicks = Value end, }) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('TimePosition Settings') LeftGroupBox:AddLabel('The lower the faster ap reaction ') LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Katana time position", Default = 0.085, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Katana = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Fist time position", Default = 0.095, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Fist = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Kick time position", Default = 0, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Kick = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Scythe time position", Default = 0.27, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Scythe = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Nagi time position", Default = 0.22, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Nagi = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Kanaboo time position", Default = 0.29, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.kanaboo = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Kusarigima time position", Default = 0.06, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Kusa = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Tanto time position", Default = 0.05, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Tanto = Value end, }) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider("MySlider", { Text = "Odachi time position", Default = 0.22, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 3, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) Settings.Autoparry.Odachi = Value end, }) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Rage:AddLeftGroupbox("Rage") local MyButton = LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = "Tpaura(extremly obvious and op)", Func = function() loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HTDBarsi/ZO/main/bettertp.lua"))() end, DoubleClick = false, Tooltip = "", }) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Visuals:AddLeftGroupbox("Chams") LeftGroupBox:AddToggle("Chams Toggle", { Text = "Chams toggle", Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = "", -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) Settings.ESP.Toggle = Value if Value then for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Character and v ~= plr and v.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid", 1) then local h = Instance.new("Highlight", v.Character) h.FillColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Character.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) h.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Character.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) v.Character.Humanoid.Changed:Connect(function(prop) if prop == "Health" and h then h.FillColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Character.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) h.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Character.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) end end) end end else for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Highlight") then v.Character.Highlight:Destroy() end end end end, }) --//Configs and sh ui tab local MenuGroup = Tabs["UI Settings"]:AddLeftGroupbox("Menu") MenuGroup:AddLabel("Menu bind"):AddKeyPicker("MenuKeybind", { Default = "End", NoUI = true, Text = "Menu keybind" }) MenuGroup:AddButton("Unload", function() Library:Unload() end) MenuGroup:AddButton("Copy discord invite", function() setclipboard("https://discord.gg/t2cXFpkGBh") end) Library.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind ThemeManager:SetLibrary(Library) SaveManager:SetLibrary(Library) SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings() SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tabs["UI Settings"]) ThemeManager:SetFolder("Asteria/ZO") SaveManager:SetFolder("Asteria/ZO") ThemeManager:ApplyToTab(Tabs["UI Settings"]) SaveManager:LoadAutoloadConfig() task.spawn(function() game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if Settings.Autoparry.Toggle then parry() end end) end) task.spawn(function() workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(v) pcall(function() if v:WaitForChild("Humanoid", 1) and v ~= plr.Character and Settings.ESP.Toggle then local h = Instance.new("Highlight", v) h.FillColor = Color3.new(0, 1, 0) h.OutlineColor = Color3.new(0, 1, 0) h.FillColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) h.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) v.Humanoid.Changed:Connect(function(prop) if prop == "Health" then h.FillColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) h.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV((v.Humanoid.Health / 255), 1, 1) end end) end end) end) end)