Created by Incognitoooo
- Da Hood Alt Control
getgenv().prefix = ':' -- The prefix for the commands example: :fly username
getgenv().controller = 0 -- Enter controllers userid! Make sure the id isnt in the alts
getgenv().altFPS = 30 -- set the FPS for alts
getgenv().adMessage = "Bedrock on top!"
getgenv().adMessageCooldown = 2
getgenv().alts = { -- Max 38 alts! (enter user ids where the 0 is)
Alt1 = 0,
Alt2 = 0,
Alt3 = 0,
Alt4 = 0,
Alt5 = 0,
Alt6 = 0,
Alt7 = 0,
Alt8 = 0,
Alt9 = 0,
Alt10 = 0,
Alt11 = 0,
Alt12 = 0,
Alt13 = 0,
Alt14 = 0,
Alt15 = 0,
Alt16 = 0,
Alt17 = 0,
Alt18 = 0,
Alt19 = 0,
Alt20 = 0,
Alt21 = 0,
Alt22 = 0,
Alt23 = 0,
Alt24 = 0,
Alt25 = 0,
Alt26 = 0,
Alt27 = 0,
Alt28 = 0,
Alt29 = 0,
Alt30 = 0,
Alt31 = 0,
Alt32 = 0,
Alt33 = 0,
Alt34 = 0,
Alt35 = 0,
Alt36 = 0,
Alt37 = 0,
Alt38 = 0,
-- loader
loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()